Page 389 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 389

STS551 Zamira Hasanah Zamzuri et al.

            3.  Results
                We will present the results on fitting the proposed (APL) and zero inflated
            Poisson  (ZIP)  models  to  simulated  data  sets  based  on  both  distributions.
            Hence, the results will be arranged in this order:
                1)  Comparison of APL and ZIP models fitted to simulated data based on
                2)  Comparison of APL and ZIP models fitted to simulated data based on
            A detailed result will be included later.

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                In this paper, we have introduced a new model for traffic accident count
            data  based  on  the  adjustment  to  the  MPL  model  in  which  a  proportion
            parameter is incorporated into the model. The model fitting process consists
            of two phases: first estimating the proportion parameter and then estimating
            other parameters in the new model using an MCMC procedure. We expect
            that the simulation results reveal that this model performs better and able to
            explain the presence of extra zeros due to the underreporting scenario.
            It is important to note that the aim of this paper is to offer an alternative on
            fitting count models to the data with extra zeros, specifically in traffic accident
            environment.    Furthermore,  more  information  is  obtained  through  the
            estimation of the proportion of the reported accidents. When the proportion
            of  the  reported  accidents  and  reported  accidents  rate  are  estimated,  this
            allows us to estimate the true accident rate in which help in terms of estimation
            accuracy on the actual accident count that happen.
            The work here illustrates the need on reporting traffic accidents and a proper
            data documentation practice. Such issue may need to be handled in the long
            run, but with the current situation, especially in Malaysia; in which the source

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