Page 90 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 90

STS517 Andreas Basse-O’Connor
                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      In the following we fix   ∈ (1,2) and let  be an  −stable supOU process
                  given in Definition 1.1. We recall that due to the discontinuity of the integrand
                    ↦  −(−)  (−∞,] ()  in  (1.4)  at    =  ,  the  process    will  never  have
                  continuous sample paths, cf. Rosiński (1989). However, the above Theorem 3.1
                  shows that if  has finite  − ℎ moment for some   >  0 then  has càdlàg
                  sample  paths  with  probability  one.  To  compare  this  condition,  with  the
                  literature we note that Example 4.1 in Basse-O’Connor and Rosiński (2016),
                  shows  that  is  a  semi  martingale  if  and  only  if  has  finite (  −  1) − ℎ
                  moment, and if  is a semi martingale then it has càdlàg sample paths. Since
                    −  1  >  0 in our setting, the conditions in Theorem 3.1 are weaker than the
                  ones we can derive from Basse-O’Connor and Rosiński (2016).

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                  3.  Basse-O’Connor, A. and J. Rosiński (2016). On infinitely divisible
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                  4.  Fasen, V. and C. Klüppelberg (2007). Extremes of supOU processes. In
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