Page 92 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 92

STS517 Zaoli C. et al.
                  where  is the vector with zero coordinates, the notation   ≤   for vectors
                   = ( , . . . ,  ) and  = ( , . . . ,  ) means that   ≤   for all   =  1, . . . , , and
                  the notation   →  ∞ means that all d components of the vector n tend to
                  infinity. Denote

                  What limit theorems does the array ( ) satisfy? It was shown by Leadbetter
                  and Rootzén (1998) that under appropriate strong mixing conditions, only the
                  classical three types of limiting distributions (Gumbel, Fréchet and Weibull)
                  may appear (even when forcing   → ∞ along a monotone curve). In the case
                  when the marginal distributions of the field  have regularly varying tails, this
                  allows only the Fréchet distribution as a limit.
                      In this paper we will discuss only random fields with regularly varying tails,
                  in which case the experience from the classical extreme value theory tells us
                  to look for limit theorems for the type

                  for  some  nondegenerate  random  variable . The  regular  variation  of  the
                  marginal distributions means that

                   (1.2)               P (X (0) > x) = x L(x), α > 0, L slowly varying,
                  see e.g. Resnick (1987). Notice that the assumption is only on the right tail of
                  the distribution since, in most cases, one does not expect a limit theorem for
                  the partial maxima as in (1.1) to be affected by the left tail of ().
                      If  the  random  field  consists  of  i.i.d.  random  variables  satisfying  the
                  regular variation condition (1.2), then the classical extreme value theory tells
                  us that the convergence in (1.1) holds if we choose

                   (1.3)                 = inf{ > 0: (() > ) ≤ ( …  ) },
                  in  which  case  the  limiting  random  variable    has  the  standard  Fréchet
                  distribution. We are interested in understanding how the spatial dependence
                  in the random field  affects the scaling in and the distribution of the limit not
                  only in (1.1), but in its functional versions, which can be stated in different
                  spaces, for example in the space (ℝ ) of right continuous, with limits along
                  monotone paths, functions (see Straf (1972)), or in the space of random sup
                  measures ℳ(ℝ ); see  O’Brien  et  al.  (1990).  We  will  describe  the  relevant
                  spaces below.
                      If the time is one-dimensional, and the memory in the stationary process
                  is short, then the standard normalization (1.3) is still the appropriate one, and
                  the  limits  both  in  (1.1)  and  its  functional  versions  change  only  through  a
                  change in a multiplicative constant; see Samorodnitsky (2016) and references
                  therein. However, when the memory becomes sufficiently long, both the order

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