Page 91 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 91

STS517 Zaoli C. et al.

                         Extreme value theory for long range dependent

                                       stable random fields
                                 Zaoli Chen, Gennady Samorodnitsky
                                         Cornell University, USA

            We study the extremes for a class of a symmetric stable random fields with
            long range dependence.

            Random field; extremal limit theorem; random sup measure; random closed
            set; long range dependence; stable law; heavy tails.

            1.  Introduction
                Extreme  value  theorems  describe  the  limiting  behaviour  of  the  largest
            values  in  increasingly  large  collections  of  random  variables.  The  classical
            extremal theorems, beginning with Fisher and Tippett (1928) and Gnedenko
            (1943), deal with the extremes of i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed)
            random variables. The modern extreme value theory techniques allow us to
            study the extremes of dependent sequences; see Leadbetter et al. (1983) and
            the expositions in Coles (2001) and de Haan and Ferreira (2006). The effect of
            dependence  on  extreme  values  can  be  restricted  to  a  loss  in  the  effective
            sample  size,  through  the  extremal  index  of  the  sequence.  When  the
            dependence is sufficiently  long, more significant changes in extreme value
            may occur; see e.g. Samorodnitsky (2004), Owada and Samorodnitsky (2015b).
            The present paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the effect of
            memory on extremes when the time is of dimension larger than 1, i.e. for
            random fields.
                We consider a discrete time stationary random field  = ( ,  ∈ ℤ ). For
             = ( , . . . ,  ) ∈ ℕ we would like to study the extremes of the random field
            over growing hypercubes of the type


               1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 60G60, 60G70, 60G52.
              Key words and phrases. Random field, extremal limit theorem, random sup measure, random closed
            set, long range dependence, stable law, heavy tails.
              This research was partially supported by the NSF grant DMS-1506783 and the ARO grant W911NF-18 -
            10318 at Cornell University.

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