Page 99 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 99

STS517 Jan Rosinski´

                          Infinitely divisible processes and their random
                                            Jan Rosinski´
                                    University Of Tennessee, Usa

            The  celebrated  Cameron-Martin  formula  relates  a  Gaussian  process  to  its
            translation by a deterministic function and shows an isomorphism between
            moments of nonlinear functionals of the original process and the translated
            one. We show that a similar phenomenon occurs for more general infinitely
            divisible processes when we allow random translations. Precise understanding
            of Lévy measures of processes on path spaces is the key to produce rich classes
            of admissible random translations. We illustrate this approach on examples of
            squared Bessel processes, Feller diffusions, permanental processes, as well as
            Lévy processes.

            path Lévy measure; admissible shifts; permanental processes; Lévy processes.

            1.  Introduction
                            be a centered Gaussian process over a set T. The Cameron-
               Let  = ( )
            Martin Formula says that for every random variable  in the  -closure of the
            subspace spanned by G and for any measurable functional : ℝ ↦ ℝ

            Where ∅() = ( ). This formula has many applications, including stochastic
            differential equations and stochastic partial driven by Gaussian random fields.
               It is well-known that (1) does not extend to the Poissonian case. Indeed, it
                                           ∈[0,1]  is  a  Poisson  process,  then  there  is  no
            is  easy  to  show  that  if  = ( )
            function : [0,1] → ℝ,  ≢ 0, such that

            for all measurable functionals : ℝ [0,1]  → ℝ and some random variable  ≥ 0
            with  = 1.
               There is however a rich class of random translations associated with each
            infinitely divisible process. By definition, a process  = ( )   over a general
            set  is said to be infinitely divisible if for every  ≥ 2 there exist i.i.d. processes
            ( ) ∈ ,  = 1, … ,  such that

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