Page 100 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 100

STS517 Jan Rosinski´
                  where  denotes the equality in finite dimensional distributions. Every infinitely
                                          ∈  has a Lévy measure ν defined on the path space
                  divisible process  = ( )
                  ℝ , which characterizes the nonGaussian part of X. Suppose that a stochastic
                                  ∈  is  independent  of  X  and  the  distribution  L(Z)  of  Z  is
                  process  = ( )
                  absolutely  continuous  with  respect  to  ν.  Then  there  exists  a  measurable
                  function g : ℝ ↦ ℝ  such that for any measurable functional F : ℝ ↦ ℝ

                      There are two basic directions of applying identity (2). The first one is to
                                            ∈  of interest, associate with it (possibly easier to
                  start with a process  = ( )
                  handle)  infinitely  divisible  process   = ( )   whose  Lévy  measure
                  dominates the law of Z, and transfer path properties of X to Z via identity (2).
                  Using  Dynkin’s  Isomorphism  Theorem,  Marcus,  M.B.,  &Rosen,  J.  (1992),
                  &(2006) derived many results for local times of Markov processes, including
                  Lévy processes. Another direction of applications of (2)  is much harder, to
                  derive information about X by utilizing Z. One way to approach it is to consider
                  the  “converse”  version  of  (2)  which  expresses  X  as  the  process  X  +Z  with
                  changed measure.
                                                               ∈  is  said  to  be  Poissonian
                      Recall  that  a  stochastic  process   = ( )
                  infinitely divisible if its all finite dimensional marginal distributions are infinitely
                  divisible without Gaussian part.
                  Throughout this short paper, an identity as (2) reads: if one side exists then the
                  other does and they are equal.

                  2.  Methodology
                      Successful  implementation  of  identities  like  (2)  requires  precise
                  understanding  of  Lévy  measures  of  processes,  which  are  defined  on  path
                  spaces with the usual cylindrical σ-algebras (as opposed to σ-rings in Lee, P.M.
                  (1967)  and  Maruyama,  G.  (1970)).  We  view  Lévy  measures  as  “laws  of
                  processes”  defined  on  possibly  infinite  measure  spaces  and  call  such
                  “processes” representations of Lévy measures. Properties of Lévy measures are
                  defined by properties of their representations. Transfer of regularity property
                  puts the Lévy measure on the same Borel function space where paths of the
                  corresponding infinitely divisible processes belong. This allows to relate path
                  properties of processes and representations of their Lévy measures.
                      Let  ℝ be  the  space  of  all  functions   ∶  ↦ ℝ,  and  let  B  denote  its
                  cylindrical (product)  −algebra. Let 0T denotes the origin of ℝ , considerd as
                  a point or the one-point set, depending on the context. We give the following
                  definition of path Lévy measure.

                  Definition 1. A measure ν on (ℝ , B   )is said to be a Lévy measure if the
                  following two conditions hold

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