Page 182 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 182

STS579 Daria Balashova
                  1.  Antonelly F., Bosco F. (2012) Viral evolution and adaptation as a
                      multivariate branching process. Biomat., pp. 217-243.
                  2.  Antonenko E.A., Yarovaya E.B. (2016) On the Number of Positive
                      Eigenvalues of the Evolutionary Operator of Branching Random Walk.
                      Branching Processes and their Applications, Book. Lecture Notes in
                      Statistics, Spriger, vol. 219, pp. 41-55.
                  3.  Ball F., Gonzalez M., Martinez R. and Slavtchova-Bojkova M. (2014)
                      Stochastic monotonicity and continuity properties of functions defined
                      on Crump-Mode-Jagers branching processes, with application to
                      vaccination in epidemic modelling. Bernoulli 20(4), 2076-2101.
                  4.  Claus O. Wilke (2003) Probability of Fixation of an Advantageous Mutant
                      in a Viral Quasispecies. GENETICS vol. 163 no. 2, pp. 467-474.
                  5.  Ermishkina E.M., Yarovaya E.B. (2018) Simulation of Branching Random
                      Walks on Multidimensional Lattices. Abstracts of the Ninth Workshop on
                  6.  Gikhman I.I., Skorokhod A.V. (1973) The Theory of Stochastic Processes.
                      Book 2, Science.
                  7.  Gonzalez M., Martinez R. and Slavtchova-Bojkova M. (2010) Stochastic
                      monotonicity and continuity properties of the extinction time of Bellman-
                      Harris branching processes: an application to epidemic modelling. J. App.
                      Prob., 47, pp. 58-71.
                  8.  Kolmogorov A., Petrovskii I. and Piskunov N. (1937) Etude de l’equation
                      de la diffusion avec crois-sance de la quantite de matiere et son
                      application a un probleme biologique. Bull. Univ. Moscou Serie
                      internationale, Section A, Mathematiques et mecanique 1, pp. 1-25.
                  9.  Rytova A.I., Yarovaya E.B. (2016) Multidimensional Watson lemma and its
                      applications. Math Notes 99(3), pp. 395-403.
                  10. Yarovaya E.B. (2012) Spectral properties of evolutionary operators in
                      branching random walk models. Math Notes 92(1), pp. 115–131.
                  11. Yarovaya E.B. (2017) Spectral asymptotics of supercritical branching
                      random process. Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 62(3), pp. 518-541.

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