Page 187 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 187

STS579 Anastasiia Rytova et al.
             (0, 2), whereas in the case of a finite variance of jumps, the relation   < ∞
            is satisfied only in dimensions   ≥  3. Then in ℤ and ℤ the  can be strictly
            positive,  i.e.  BRW  population  growth  can  be  subcritical  even  under  a
            supercritical branching regime at the source, in contrast to the case of BRW
            with  finite  variance.  On  high-dimensional  lattices,  the  intensity  of  the
            branching process at the source is not determines the criticality of the BRW
            (see  Table  1  in  Yarovaya  (2010)).  For  example,  under  condition  of  jumps
            variance  finiteness,  the  supercritical  branching  process  at  the  source  in
            combination with transient random walk on ℤ ,   ≥  3, can lead to either a
            supercritical, or a critical or subcritical BRW. If the branching process at the
            source is subcritical or critical, then on lattices   ≥  3only subcritical BRW is
                The  analysis  of  such  BRW  models  is  implemented  by  studying  the
            spectrum  of  operators   ,   (see  Yarovaya  (2007),  Yarovaya  (2012),
            Khristolyubov, & Yarovaya (2019)), which determines the limiting behavior of
            solutions of differential equations (6), in particular, the tendency of the norm
            to  a  constant  and  the  fact  of  monotonicity.  To  find  the  asymptotics  of
            solutions,  the  Laplace  transform  of  (, , ), (, , ), (, ), 1 —  (, ) ,
            integral equations and Tauberian theorems (see Ch. XIII in Feller (1971)) are
            used. As a result, the asymptotics are expressed through the Green’s function.

            3.  Results
                For convenience, we introduce the classification of possible combinations
            of the lattice dimension d and the random walk jump parameter :
                                  =         =          =           ≥  
                   (a)        ∈ (1, 2)
                   (b)       = 1
                   (c)        ∈ (1/2,1)     ∈ (1, 2)     ∈ (3/2,2)
                   (d)       =  1/2       = 1         = (3/2)
                   (e)        ∈ (0, 1/2)     ∈ (0, 1)     ∈ (0, 3/2)     ∈ (0, 2)
                In Khristolyubov, & Yarovaya (2019), a supercritical symmetric continuous-
            time BRW on ℤ ,   ≥  1, with a  < ∞ number of particle generation sources
            of varying positive intensities without any restrictions on the variance of jumps
            of the underlying random walk has been investigated. In Theorem 7, it was
            found  that  if  the  operator   have  finite  (counting  multiplicity)  number  of
            positive  eigenvalues,  and   is  the  largest  of  them  with  the  corresponding
            normalized vector , then as  → ∞ the following asymptotic relations hold
                             (, , )~ (, )  0  ,    (, )~ ()  0  ,                            (8)
             where  (, ) = ()(),  () = () −1  ∑    ( ). As a consequence,
            (, )~1.
                Now describe the asymptotic behavior as  → ∞ of the mean number of
            particle  at  the    ∈ ℤ point  (, , ) ,  of  the  mean  number  particles  of
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