Page 207 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 207

STS580 Ross Sparks et. al
            discovery rate is taken as one in 400 days. Note that the correlation between
            these symptoms considered are very low, less than 0.079.
                The result are as follows.  All plans monitored the Pearson residuals of the
            models (whether Weibull or negative binomial distributed) and these Pearson
            residuals for a particular symptom are smoothed over time using the EWMA
            statistic. The univariate TBE monitoring plans did not flag an unusual trend in
            the TBE in either direction. The univariate daily counts indicate lower than
            expected counts from 14 January 2015 to 11 February 2015. Any event that
            was  not  flagged  by  more  than  two  consecutive  days  were  ignored  in  the
            multivariate plans. The multivariate plan used the Weibull regression models
            for  each  symptom  separately.  Hotellings  robust  version  of  the  T-squared
            statistic of Sparks (2015) was used to flag unusual events in terms of how large
            their Pearson smoothed residuals are. Note that if the TBE increases, then there
            is no outbreak. The TBE values need to significantly reduce to flag an outbreak.
            Multivariate plans flagged several events that are listed in the table below:

             Dates                        Reason
             2015-02-24 to 2015-05-01  Larger  waiting  times  between  events  for
                                          diarrhoea and headaches
             2015-07-19 to 2015-07-29  Larger  waiting  times  between  events  for  all
             2015-11-24 to 2015-12-24  Larger  waiting  times  between  events  for
                                          vomiting, diarrhoea and headaches
             2017-03-22 to 2017-03-31  Larger  waiting  times  between  events  for
                                          vomiting and headaches
             2017-08-17 to 2018-02-06  Larger  waiting  times  between  events  for
                                          diarrhoea and unwell. At times there are larger
                                          waiting times between events for headaches

            4.  Multivariate charts are useful for diagnosing the nature of outbreaks
                We use the dynamic biplot of Sparks et al (1997) to explore the nature of
            outbreaks using unsmoothed version of Pearson residuals from the respective
            Weibull regression models. Information on how to interpret this biplot can be
            found in Sparks et al. (2017). We are looking for periods of TBE values that are
            lower than expected, i.e., those in the biplot that are in the opposite quadrant
            to the most recent points in the observation plot. For this we only use the days
            with all symptoms occurring on the same day, i.e., only considering days where
            there is at least one of the four symptoms on the day. This was by far the most
            common situation – occurring in 86% of the days in the dataset.
                The first 40 days are used as training data for setting up the multivariate
            plans.   The days without an  event for a  symptom were excluded from the
            dataset being considered in this section because it resulted in missing data for
            the day. Thereafter we explore the average TBE event daily, when they occur

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