Page 417 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 417

STS2320 Bruno André R. C. et al.
            Calculation of composite indices
                First, we standardized the number of mentions by dividing them by the
            number of Internet users, which we derived from the data included in Table 2,
            to calculate the mention density.

                                    =  ∗ 1.000.000
                In a similar vein, to be able to compare different levels of engagement, we
            standardized engagement by dividing total engagement with the number of
            mentions for each country to compute the engagement density.


            Based on the above, we calculated each composite index as follows:

                                     Composite Index  =
            where V1 is the normalised value of mention density and V2 is the normalised
            value  of  engagement  density,  respectively.  The  formula  to  calculate  the
            normalized values of mention density and engagement density is a standard
            min-max  normalization  that  is  commonly  used  in  calculating  composite
                                              − . 
                          =             ∗ 100
                                               − . 

            3.  Results
                    The Global Technology Readiness Index (GTRI) and the Future Skills
            Readiness Index are both appropriate indicators for the comparison of future
            readiness across countries. Figure 1 illustrates the scores on both indices.
                 The analysis of GTRI scores, aggregated over the period of observation
              for  each  of  the  20  countries  of  interest,  shows  clear  differences  in  the
              prominence of emerging technologies in the public debate. The scores are
              mainly  concentrated  in  Singapore,  the  United  States  and  the  United
              Kingdom. Arab countries are the ones with the most distance to cover in
              terms  of  raising  awareness  and  having  experts/practitioners  engage  in
              discussion with the rest of the Internet using population. Tanzania is the least
              well-performing  country  in  our  sample.  The  analysis  of  the  Future  Skills
              Readiness Index scores across countries shows a significant concentration of
              scores in three countries: Turkey, Chile and Finland. A more in-depth analysis
              of online activity reveals that a public debate on the teacher deficit drives the
              observed mentions upwards for Turkey, and to a lesser extent for Finland.

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