Page 68 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 68

STS563 Patrick Graham et al.
                  the list. However, our problem differs from that discussed by Zhang (2015),
                  because we assume a single list, supplemented by a survey, whereas Zhang
                  (2015) assumed a data structure comprising two (or more) lists and a sample
                  survey of the target population (which could be replaced by a third list known
                  only to suffer from undercoverage). Our focus is on small domain population
                  estimation  and  production  of  a  corrected  unit  record  file  and  we  take  a
                  Bayesian approach to inference. In contrast, Zhang (2015) concentrated on
                  frequentist  estimation  of  total  population  size.  A  detailed  account  of  our
                  methodology can be found in Graham and Lin (2019). Here we provide a brief
                  account  of  the  main  ideas  and  discuss  some  details  of  implementation,
                  particularly with respect to the sample survey of the target population. As in
                  Graham  and  Lin  (2019)  we  ignore  issues  of  measurement  error  or
                  misclassification of list variables and linkage error.

                         Table 1: Cross tabulation of target population estimation and an administrative list

                                                       1              0
                   Target               1                                       
                                        0                           0

                   Table 2: Underlying cell-probabilities for population-list union at some setting x of covariates
                                                                1                  0
                        Target                1                ()            ()
                                              0                ()              0

                  2.  Basic set-up. To establish basic concepts, suppose a target population
                  (e.g. usually resident population of New Zealand) could be cross-tabulated
                  with an administrative list that is thought to overlap the target population. The
                  resulting table would have the structure shown in Table 1. Note that Table 1
                  does not  represent  the data  structure for a  dual  systems (DSE)  population
                  estimation problem. It is a conceptual representation of the relationship of the
                  target population (which is not directly observed) and an administrative list
                  that overlaps the target population.
                  The only directly observable quantity in Table 1 is the total number of people
                  on the list,  . An unknown number  01 , of individuals on the list are not in the
                  target population. These   people constitute “over-coverage” of the list with
                  respect  to  the  target  population.  If  we  had  an  indicator  for  inclusion  or
                  otherwise  in  the  target  population  it  would  be  straightforward  to  exclude
                  people not in the target population from population estimation. However, we
                  assume no such indicator and therefore identifying the  01  people included
                  on the list but not in the target population is a missing data problem. The

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