Page 71 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 71

STS563 Patrick Graham et al.
            values in the target-list union are drawn from some distribution G(θ) we have
            the model

            where if  is the Bernoulli distribution with possible values (1, 1) and (0, 1) with
            Pr( =  (1, 1)|  = (1, 1), X, λ)  = λ(X);if  =  (1, 0),  (1,0)(λ, X)  is the Bernoulli
            distribution with possible values (1, 0) and (0, 0) with Pr( = (1, 0)|  = (1, 0), X,
            λ) = λ(X); if  = (0, 1), (0,1)(λ, X) is the degenerate distribution with Pr( = (0,
            1)|  = (0, 1), X, λ) = 1. Sampling of the target population has no impact on
            the group that is on the list but not in the target population. To complete the
            model we must specify a prior for the model parameters. We assume a priori
            independence  so ( , , ) =  ( )()().  Further  prior  specification
            details will be application specific. The observed data is    = ( , ;  ∶  ≠
            (0,0)0. This is the sample-list union. The extra information required to obtain
            the complete target-list union can be characterised as    = (  ,   )
            where    are the unobserved target-list cell locations for individuals not in

            the sample but on the list (i.e. in the (  = (0, 1) cell), and    represents the
            covariate values for people missed by both the list and the survey (i.e in the

             = (0, 0) cell). Note that since people observed in the  = (0, 1) group are a
            mix of those on the list but not in the target population ( =(0,1)) and people
            on the list and in the target population ( = (1, 1)) but not selected into the
            population  sample,  the  true  target-list  cell  location  for  individuals  in  this
            group  are  not  directly  observed.  Given      we  could  obtain  the  target
            population by first forming     = (  ,   ) and then dropping records
            with  = (0, 1). The primary inferential task is therefore to obtain (  |   ):
                     ( ,   |   ) = ∫ (  |   ,   , ) ( , |  )
                                    = ∫ (   ,    , |  )
                A  Gibbs  sampling  approach  can  be  applied  to  simulate  the  joint
            distribution of unknowns (  ,   , |  ). The generated draws of  
            can  then  be  used  in  conjunction  with      to  produce  a  Monte  Carlo
            representation  of  the  posterior  distribution  for  the  population  counts.  The
            Gibbs sampler alternates between sampling from the following full conditional

            distributions:  (i)  (|∅,  ,    ,    );  (ii)  (∅|,  ,    ,    );  (iii)
            (   ,   |  , ∅, ).  Steps  (i)  and  (ii)  amount  to  reasonably  standard
            Bayesian  computations  since  they  are  conditional  on  the  full  data.  The

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