Page 80 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 80

STS563 Davide Di Cecco et al.
                  accordance with the literature on Bayesian capture–recapture, sensible options
                  i) Jeffreys’ prior, i.e. (N) ∝ 1/N;
                  ii) a hierarchical Poisson prior: N ∼ Poi(λ,), λ, ∼ Gamma(a, β);
                  iii)  Rissanen’s prior (Rissanen 1983), (N) ∝ 2 − log (N) , where log (N) is the sum
                  of the positive terms in the sequence {log2(N), log2(log2(N)), ...}.
                  We further assume that N and  are a priori independent.

                  2.2 Missing data: We propose a strategy useful to properly include sources
                  which do not operate over certain subpopulations (“incomplete lists”). In fact,
                  if we treat the uncatchable units as sampling zeros, the final population size
                  estimate would be biased. The idea is to treat the incomplete lists as Missing
                  at Random (MAR) information, i.e. assuming that, if they could operate on the
                  whole  population,  they  would  retain  the  same  joint  distribution  as  in  the
                  observed  subpopulations.  In  addition,  we  assume  that  we  can  distinguish
                  whether a unit has not been captured in a list by chance or because it is out
                  of the scope of that list, i.e.,  we can divide the population in strata  where
                  different set of lists operates. Then, certain profiles of the captured units are
                  considered  as  partially  observed,  and  we  develop  a  data  augmentation
                  algorithm that imputes the complete capture histories using the rest of the
                  data given the model. We distinguish completely observed capture profiles, y,
                  from the partially observed capture profiles ymis. In addition, for each stratum,
                  we have a structural zero z consisting in a different combination of zeros and
                  missing values. For example, in a 4-lists scenario with 2 strata, one where all lists
                  operate and one where the first list does not operate, we have the structural
                  zero n0,0,0,0 in the first strata, and n∗,0,0,0 in the second, where the asterisk denotes
                  the missing information. Then, our Gibbs algorithm at iteration t + 1 has the
                  following steps:

                      (1)  we sample the components of  (t+1)  from their posterior conditional
                         Dirichlet distributions (constrained or not);
                      (2)  for  each  observed  y  and  ymis,  we  randomly  divide  all  the  observed
                         values  ny  and  nymis  into  the  corresponding  consistent  complete
                         sequences nx,y according to their conditional probabilities;
                      (3)  if we adopt π(N) ∝ 1/N, it has been demonstrated in Manrique-Vallier
                         et al (2014) that we can sample all structural zero cells counts nz from
                         a  Negative  Multinomial  distribution.  Otherwise,  if  we  choose  an
                         informative  prior  for  N,  we  can  use  a  Metropolis-Hasting  step  to
                         generate  a  value  for  N(t+1)  and  then  conditionally  sample  the
                         structural zero cells such that ∑z nz = N − nobs;
                      (4)  for each generated nz, we sample all complete sequences nx,y consistent
                         with z.

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