Page 82 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 82

STS563 Davide Di Cecco et al.

                      FIGURE 2. Posterior distributions of N1 under the CIA model, flat priors(left) and infor-
                      mative priors (right). The orange line indicates the true value of N1, the gray area the
                      95% HPD.

                     On  the  converse,  the  left  panel  of  Figure  2  shows  that  the  estimated
                  posterior distribution of N1 under the CIA model is far from the real value. To
                  evaluate the influence of the prior distributions to compensate for the model
                  misspecification, we set an informative prior in the following way: we mimicked
                  an informative context coming from an audit sample by taking a 5% sample
                  of the generated complete population [XABCDE], and fixed the parameters of
                  the Dirichlet prior equal to the observed counts in that sample. As one can see
                  in the right panel of Figure 2, even though informative priors influence the
                  posterior in the right direction, their contribution seems insufficient to even
                  include the true value of N1 in the credibility interval.

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