Page 179 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 179

CPS1496 Tim Christopher D.L et al.
                              p2i ∶ () = 2.616 − 3.596 + 1.594
                The fact that the model passes through prevalence space ensures that the
            predictions from the machine learning models can be appropriately scaled.
            The linear predictor of the model is related to prevalence by a typical logit link
            function and includes an intercept, β0, covariates, X with regression parameters
            β, a spatial, Gaussian, random field, u(s,ρ,σu), and an iid random effect, vj(σv).

                               pb = logit (β0 + βX + u(s,ρ,σu) + vj(σv))
                The  Gaussian  spatial  effect  has  a  Mat´ern  covariance  function  and  two
            hyperparameters: ρ, the nominal range (beyond which correlation is < 0.1) and
            σu,  the  marginal  standard  deviation.  The  iid  random  effect  models  both
            missing covariates and extra-Poisson sampling error.
                Finally, we complete the model by setting priors on the parameters β0,β,ρ
            and σu and σv. We assigned ρ and σu a joint penalised complexity prior (Fuglstad
            et al., 2018) such that P(ρ < 1) = 0.00001 and P(σu > 1) = 0.00001. This prior
            encoded our a priori preference for a simpler, smoother random field. We set
            this prior such that the random field could explain most of the range of the
            data if required.
                We assigned σv a penalised complexity prior (Simpson et al., 2017) such
            that P(σv > 0.05) = 0.0000001. This was based on a comparison of the variance
            of Poisson random variables, with rates given by the number of polygon-level
            cases observed, and an independently derived upper and lower bound for the
            case counts using the approach defined in (Cibulskis et al., 2011). We found
            that an iid effect with a standard deviation of 0.05 would be able to account
            for the discrepancy between the assumed Poisson error and the independently
            derived error. Finally, we set regularising priors on the regression coefficients
            βi ∼ Norm(0,0.4). The models were implemented and fitted using Template
            Model Builder (Kristensen et al., 2016) in R (R Core Team, 2018).
                We compared the performance of the models with three sets of covariates,
            X. Firstly, we used the environmental and anthropogenic covariates, centered
            and  standardised.  Secondly,  we  used  the  predictions  from  the  machine
            learning models. Finally we combined these two sets of covariates.
                To compare the three models we used two cross-validation schemes. In
            the first, polygon incidence data was randomly split into six cross-validation
            folds. In the second, polygon incidence data was split spatially into three folds
            (via k-means clustering on the polygon centroids). This spatial cross-validation
            scheme is testing the models' ability to make predictions far from data where
            the spatial random field is not informative. Our primary performance metric
            was correlation between observed and predicted data.

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