Page 222 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 222

CPS1834 Gumgum D. et al.
                        Z −  , if d =  D = 0
                  Z =    t
                         Z t ,    otherwise
                      For  convenience,  we  often  call    p  ( ) and   p  ( ) the  regular
                  autoregressive  and  moving  average  factors  (polynomial)  and    ( ) and
                   Q ( ) the  seasonal  autoregressive  and  moving  average  factors  (or
                  plynomials),   respectively.   This   model     is   often   denoted     as
                   ARIMA p       ) ( , ,Q   ) where  the  sub  index  s  refers  to  the  seasonal
                          ( , , d q x P D
                      For model selection, this research uses four types of models selections
                  there  are  MAPE  (Mean  Absolute  Percentage  Error,  MAD  (Mean  Absolute
                  Deviation), MSE (Mean Square Error) and AIC (Akaike Information Criteria).
                   1.  MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error)
                             1  M  e   
                  MAPE =           t       x 100%
                             M  t= 1 Z n+ 1 
                   2.  MSE (Mean Square Error)
                          1  M
                  MSE =        e
                          M  t= 1  t
                   3.  MAD (Mean Absolut Deviation)
                               1  M
                        MAD =       X −  
                              M   t= 1  t
                        M is the number of out sample
                   4.  AIC ( Akaike Information Criteria)

                       ( ) = −
                   AIC K      2ln Maximum likelihood +
                                                       2K

                                  ˆ +
                            =  n ln a 2  2K
                  K is the number of parameters in the models.

                      The optimal order of model is chosen by the value of M, which is a function
                  of p,q, so that AIC(K) is minimum.

                  3.  Methodology
                      There are six step in comparison of SARIMA modelling based on Hijri and
                  Gregorian calendar.  The  first  step  is  collecting data  of rainfall  data  usually
                  available in Gregorian Calendar. The rainfall data obtained is secondary data
                  obtained at BMKG Aceh. The time series data obtained is daily data in the
                  Christian  calendar.  The  researcher  obtained  data  from  March  1,  2000  to
                  December 31, 2017. Data processed for analysis is the sum of daily data into
                  monthly. The second step is converting rainfall data from Hijri to Gregorian
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