Page 219 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 219

CPS1825 Suryo A.R.
                The sustainable development goals have placed youth and their role in the
            process towards sustainable development. A large number of youths in South
            Kalimantan is a major challenge to the importance of this development, which
            is equal to 24,41 percent of the population. Youth development needs to be
            sustained by a variety of policies and data-based policies to the lowest level.
            The youth development index that incorporates disability indicators can be a
            first  step  towards  realizing  this,  in  line  with  one  of  the  sustainable
            development goals that echo the jargon of leaving no one behind - including
            youth  with  disabilities.  Because  disability  is  a  complex,  heterogeneous
            phenomenon  that  reduces  participation  in  education  and  employment,
            disproportionately impacts the lives, and has far-reaching consequences for
            affected  families,  but  about  which  much  remains  unknow,  which  are  have
            impact to the development of the youth.
                This youth development index is one way to find out more about youth
            development  in  the  region.  Included  are  classified  according  to  house
            classification and gender. With this classification, the government is expected
            to be more accurate in determining the policies and steps to be taken.
                After  all,  the  preparation  of  this  youth  development  index  is  only  the
            beginning of a step that varies data on disability in Indonesia can be included
            in the index. Although deeper analysis needs to be done so that it will create
            a  deeper  understanding  and  provide  a  sound  basis  for  policy  aimed  at
            increasing youth development with no one left behind

            1.  Bappenas, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional. (2017).
                 Indeks Pembangunan Pemuda Indonesia 2017. Jakarta: Bappenas.
            2.  Cameron, Lisa & Suarez, Diana Contreras. (2017). Disability in Indonesia:
                 What can we learn from the data?. Australian government.
            3.  Commonwealth. (2016a). Global Youth Development Index and Report
                 2016. London. Commonwealth Secretariat.
            4.  Commonwealth. (2016b). Commonwealth Youth Development Index.
                 National and Regional Toolkit: A Guide for Developing Regional and
                 National Youth Development Indices. The Commonwealth Secretariat.
            5.  Johnson, R.A. & Wichern, D.W. (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical
                 Analysis. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
            6.  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2008).
                 Handbook for Constructing Composite Indicators: Methodology and
                 User Guide. Accessed in November 2018 by

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