Page 305 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 305

CPS1871 Natividad J.M. et al.
            male individuals associated with regression coefficient  , the Poisson-gamma
            model with covariate is as follows:
                                           ~ (  )
                                      = exp( +   +  )
                                                     1 1
                                          ~ ( ,  )
                                              ~  ( )
                                           ~  (1,1).
                The  flaw  in  Poisson-Gamma  model  is  it  does  not  take  spatial
            autocorrelation  into  account.  Bayesian  CAR  model  allows  spatial
            autocorrelation  which  means  that  the  model  borrows  information  from
            neighboring areas to smooth the rates. It is a technique that focuses on the
            smoothing  of  relative  risk.  The  model  provides  spatial  smoothing  and
            shrinkage in the raw relative risk estimate. This shrinkage gives more stable
            estimate of the underlying risk pattern of the disease (Richardson et. al., 2004).
            Spatial autocorrelation in the sexually active male population was computed
            using Global Moran’s I.  According to Tango (2010), spatial autocorrelation can
            be observed in a way where relative risks among neighboring regions are the
            same with each other as seen in many disease maps hence introducing the
            Bayesian CAR model. The model is as follows:
                                         ~ (  )
                                        = exp( +   +  )
                                                      1 1
                                              ~  ( )
                                           ~  (1,1)
                                       |   ≠  ~  (̅̅̅,   )
                                     ̅ =         ∑      
                                           ∑      =1   
                                            =       .
                    Here,   serves as area-specific random effect that explains the spatial
            autocorrelation, and the priors are spatially structured wherein the estimate of
            each city/municipality is a weighted average of the regional data value and an
            average of observations in neighboring city/municipality. In this model, 
            are user-defined spatial dependence parameters defining which regions j are
            neighbors to regions i;   = 1 if areas i and j are neighbors, 0 otherwise;   is
            the number of areas adjacent to area i while ̅̅̅ is the average of   among
            areas adjacent to area i.  The mean and variance of the CAR random effect is
            weighted by the means and variances of the adjacent areas.
                    Bayesian models HIV incidence estimates were generated by OpenBUGS.
            Results  were  generated  based  on  Markov  Chain  Monte  Carlo  (MCMC)
            simulation of 30,000 iterations after discarding initial 3,000 burn-ins. ArcGIS
            was used for the conversion of latitude and longitude into meters. R was used
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