Page 308 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 308

CPS1871 Natividad J.M. et al.
                      The disease maps of the Poisson-Gamma model and Bayesian CAR are
                  shown  in  Figures  2  and  3.  The  colors  of  the  maps  indicate  the  level  of
                  occurrences of the HIV relative risk. Areas with the darkest blue represent the
                  lowest relative risk while areas with darkest red illustrate the highest relative
                  risk. The areas in Poisson Gamma map with covariate shown in Figure 2 exhibit
                  spatial  patterns  with  smoothing.  The  Bayesian  CAR  map  in  Figure  3  takes
                  spatial autocorrelation into account. It can be observed that areas with highest
                  relative risk are concentrated in the center of the map of NCR and as the areas
                  go farther, the colors of the areas change into darkest blue indicating the areas
                  have lower risk.

                  Figure 2. Poisson-Gamma with                  Figure 3. Bayesian CAR Map
                  covariate Map of HIV infection in NCR       of HIV infection in NCR

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Mapping the SIRs would obtain an undesirable property that they can be
                  greatly affected especially when the expected count is small where relatively
                  small  changes  occur.  This  leads  to  the  conclusion  that  SIRs  do  not  always
                  provide an appropriate measure for disease mapping. This happens when the
                  difference in population exposed to risk among areas are large, and hence,
                  causing a misleading estimation of the relative risk.
                      Utilizing  Bayesian  models  such  as  Poisson-Gamma  with  covariate  and
                  Bayesian CAR models provide more stable relative risk estimate due to the
                  shrinkage and spatial smoothing. A covariate, sexually active male population,

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