Page 101 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 101

CPS1954 Vincent C. et al.
            1.   Introduction
                According  to  the  latest  joint  malnutrition  estimates  by  United  Nations
            Children’s Fund, World Health Organization (WHO), and World Bank Group
            (2018), it is estimated that stunted growth is prevalent in 22.2% of the children
            population under the age of 5 in 2017 or over 150 million children worldwide.
            This is particularly serious in low to medium income countries where the rate
            of  stunting  is  35.0%.  A  major  contributor  to  stunted  growth  is  prolonged
            faltering,  which  comes  with  adverse  consequences  such  as  increased
            susceptibility to diarrhoea and respiratory infections (Kossmann et al., 2000),
            abnormal neurointegrative development (Benitez-Bribiesca et al., 1999) and
            capital  loss  to  the  labour  market  (Hoddinott  et  al.,  2013).  Therefore,  it  is
            imperative to take early preventive measures so that these impacts can be
            minimised. In order to implement the preventive measures, we need to first
            identify faltered children in the population of interest. In addition, it is also
            important to distinguish between the different types of growth patterns as
            each type represents particular growth behaviour. For example, children who
            caught up after faltering may have taken nutritional supplements. The strategy
            can then be replicated to other children in the cohort to improve their growth.

            2.   Methodology
                A  popular  method  for  modelling  longitudinal  growth  data  in  the
            epidemiology literature is the broken stick model defined as follows:

            for    =  1, . . . , ,   =  1, . . . ,   where  ∈  ℝ  denotes  the  height-for-age  z-
            score (HAZ) for child  on the j-th measurement occasion at age ,   gives
            the  positive  part  of  x  and    = ( , . . . ,  )  is  an  ordered  vector  of
             predetermined internal knots or change points such that   < ··· < ,  . The
            random intercept   and error   are both assumed to be normally distributed
            with  parameter  vectors  given  by ( ,  ) and  such  that   < ··· < ,  .  The
            random intercept   and error   are both assumed to be normally distributed
            with parameter vectors given by (0,  )  respectively. The child specific and
            time invariant   controls for the heterogeneity in the HAZ at birth around the
            population mean  , and it is assumed to be uncorrelated with the error term
             . The broken stick model fits   + 1 piecewise linear segments with breaks
            at  to  model  the  growth  trajectory  calibrated  in  terms  of  the  HAZ.  The
            formulation  in  (2.1)  enables  an  individual  child’s  growth  velocity  to  be
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