Page 155 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 155

CPS1979 Francisco N. de los R.
            The random effects   = ( , . . . ,  ) shall account for the spatial dependence
            in the data, and are represented by a CAR prior distribution. Moran’s Index
            was  used  to  confirm  if  spatial  autocorrelation  exists.  The  CAR  priors  shall
            induce  the  spatial  autocorrelation  by  a  binary    ×    proximity  matrix
              = ( ), which is computed from the contiguity structure of the  areal
            units. Based on , the CAR priors take the form of a zero-mean multivariate
            Gaussian  distribution,  where  spatial  autocorrelation  is  induced  via  the
            precision matrix that depends on W. Leroux et al. (1999) proposed that the
            strength  of  the  autocorrelation  be  estimated  from  the  data.  The  precision
            matrix for this model involves an autocorrelation parameter and the proximity
            matrix and is given by

                             (, ) = (( 1) −  ) + (1  −  ),

            where    is  an    ×    identity  matrix,  1  is  an    ×  1  vector  of  ones,  and
            (1) is a diagonal matrix with elements equal to the row sums of . The
            matrix (, ) = ((1) −  ) + (1  −  ) is proper if   ∈ [0, 1), and
            the  spatial  structure  amongst    can  be  observed  more  clearly  from  the
            univariate full conditional distributions

                                           ∑                2
                     |  ~ (  =1      ,                )
                                       ∑     +  1  −    ∑     +  1  −  

            where   −   denotes  the  vector  of  random  effects  except  for   .  The
            parameter    controls  the  spatial  autocorrelation  structure,  with    =  1
            corresponding to strong spatial autocorrelation, while   =  0 corresponds to
            independent random effects according to Besag et al (1991). The effects have
            constant  mean  and  have  constant  variance.  Weakly  informative  prior
            distributions are assigned to the other hyperparameters so as  to allow for
            estimates of these parameters to be determined from the observed data and
            not to skew the analysis. The intercept coefficient in the logit function was
            assigned a univariate Normal distribution with mean zero and homoskedastic.
            The hyperparameter  , accounting for the variation in the spatial effects are
            assigned  the  inverse-gamma.  The  spatial  autoregression  parameter  is
            assumed to be uniform over (0,1) since it is over this support that the precision
            matrix is also deemed proper. According to  Lee et al (2015),  the posterior
            distribution for the dissimilarity index D can be computed using M Markov
            Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples from the posterior distribution

                            { () }   ℎ  ()  = ( ()  ,  ()  ,  2()  ,  () )
                                  =1                    0
                                                               144 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160