Page 177 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 177

CPS1985 Markus Z.
            data sources could even replace survey data. But in general, the assumption
            in the European Statistical System (ESS)  is that new digital data will be an
            additional data source and official statistical products will be multiple source
            products. Linked survey, administrative as well as non-traditional data will be
            the basis for official statistical products in the future.
                Besides legal and ethical challenges, the access to the often privately held
            digital  data  sources  as  well  as  to  the  necessary  skills  for  developing  the
            algorithm in the new digital statistic production could be a central limitation
            for NSIs (ESS 2017a).
                With the Big Data Roadmap of the ESS a lot of initiatives started in the year
            2015. With the ESSnet Big Data 2016-2018 eight projects were finalized in May
            2018  (  .The
            following ESSnet Big Data 2018-2020 has started on 1st November 2018. The
            Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) is engaged in these initiatives.
            Furthermore, Destatis ran the project ‘Smart business cycle statistics (SBCS)’
            financed by Eurostat. This project tried to use satellite images for describing
            the change of economic activities over the time. Besides this, Destatis works
            on different projects by using mobile phone data. One result of these activities
            is that NSIs probably will use more semi-finished statistical products coming
            from private data producer in the future.
                This paper is focusing on the experience with the project SBCS in respect
            of using semi-finished statistical products for official statistics.

            2.   Smart business cycle statistics
                In 2017, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, published
            the call for tender ‘Smart Statistics’. The aim of the call was to get ‘Services for
            developing "Proofs of Concept (PoC)" of leveraging data within an extended
            Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem for  the production of  smart statistics in
            Commission  policy  areas.’  A  consortium  of  SOGETI  Luxembourg,  a  data
            consulter, the Jožef Stefan Institute from Slovenia and the Federal Statistical
            Office of Germany (Destatis) won the competition of this tender and conducts
            the project since March 2018 until March 2019. The Jožef Stefan Institute did
            the  two  PoCs  ‘Smart  mobility  for  Smart  Cities’  and  ‘Smart  labour  market
            statistics’. Destatis was responsible for the PoC ‘Smart business cycle statistics’.
            SOGETI organised the administrative frame of the project and the ‘Workshop
            on Trusted Smart Statistics: policymaking in the age of the IoT’ as part of the
            project         in        Germany           in        January         2019
            statistics-policymaking-age-iot-0_en)  .  More  detailed  articles  of  the  three
            PoCs are in preparation.
                The main idea of the PoC ‘Smart business cycle statistics (SBCS)’ was to use
            sensor  data  coming  from  satellite  and  flyover  observations  for  producing

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