Page 16 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 16

CPS2101 Bertail Patrice et al.
                      Following  [8],  it  is  easy  to  estimate   )  by  a  Nadaraya-Watson
                  estimator, denoted by
                  Then we have an estimated efficient score function given by


                  where         ) is the estimated value of       .
                      Let the following conditions:
                    H7  κ  admits  a  3rd  order  continuous  derivative,  square  integrable  and
                    ultimately monotone.
                      Theorem (Consistency of the estimator) Under the assumptions H1,...H7,
                  the  estimator  which  is  the  solution  of  the  estimating  equation
                  say  , ∑  ̂  ( ) = 0, is efficient and asymptotically that is to say :

                  4.   Model selection
                      Here,  we  consider  the  sequence  of  nested  zero-noise  NMF  models,
                  indexed by K ∈ {1, ..., F}, parametrized by the set        . Let

                  where   () = −2 ( ;) = (( −1 )) Π =1 ( −1  ) +  () where
                  an(K) is a penalty satisfying the following assumption :
                   H8 Let the penalization an(K), be an increasing sequence (in K) such that, for
                   anyK1  >  K2  >  0,  an(K1)−  an(K2)  →  ∞  and  such  that,  for  any  K,
                      This is for instance the case for the BIC penalization criterion obtained with
                  an(K) = log(n) · dK, where the dimension dK is increasing in K.
                      We  will  show  the  consistency  of   for  general  penalization  under  the
                  following additional assumptions. H9 The function g(W v) satisfies an uniform
                  Lipschitz condition of the form
                  for some M∗ > 0.
                      This is true in particular, if the derivative of g(W v) with respect to W is
                  bounded over the sets W , K =1,...,F.
                      Theorem 1 (Consistent estimation of the cone dimension)
                  Suppose that the assumptions H1,...,H5 are satisfied, as well as the additional
                  assumptions H8,H9 and H10. Then, as n → ∞, we almost surely have Kn → K .
                      A toy numerical experiment. We chose F = K = 2 and 200 observations
                  have been generated based on model (2), where the hkn’s are i.i.d. r.v.’s drawn

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