Page 17 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 17

CPS2101 Bertail Patrice et al.
            from the Gamma distribution Γ(1,1) and the rays W.1 and W.2 are defined by the
            angles α1 = π/12 and α2 = π/3 they respectively form with the v1-axis. Fig. below
            shows  the  related  data  cloud  together  with  the  log-likelihood  surface
            evaluated  on  a  grid  of  21x21,  between  [0,π/2],  for  (α1,α2):  ML  estimates
            coincide with the generating W.
                The model selection is illustrated by Fig. 2, for the same type of model as
            previously, except that F = 10 and K = 5. The model selection procedure allows
            to recover the true dimension.

            5.   Conclusions
                In this paper we have formulated the NMF as a statistical problem. For
            different generative models, identifiabilty of the related statistical models have
            been investigated from a semi-parametric angle. A semi-parametric statistical
            framework  have  been  then  proposed,  where  the  proposed  Z-estimator  is
            asymptotically  consistent.  Finally,  we  have  shown  how  to  use  information
            criteria such as BIC or AIC for parametric model selection purposes in the NMF

                            Figure 1: A 2 −d NMF toy example: cone and likelihood.

                               18.7                                BIC

                                     2       4       6       8       10
                   Figure 2: Information criteria (AIC and BIC) as a function of the cone dimension.

                                                                 6 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22