Page 18 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 18

CPS2101 Bertail Patrice et al.
                  1.  Ben-Israel, A. (1992) A volume associated with m × n matrices. Lin.
                      Algeb. Appl.
                  2.  Ben-Israel, A. (1999) The change of variables formula using matrix
                      volume. SIAM J. Matrix Analysis.
                  3.  Bickel, P. J. & Klaassen C. AJ & Ritov Y. & Wellner J. A (1998) Efficient and
                      adaptive estimation for semiparametric models. Springer-Verlag.
                  4.  Campbell S.L. & Meyer C.D. (2009). Generalized inverses of linear
                      transformations. Classics in Applied Mathematics. SIAM.
                  5.  Cichocki,A. & Zdunek, R. & Amari,S. (2006) Csiszars divergences for non-
                      negative matrix factorization: Family of new algorithms. In 6th
                      International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind
                      Signal Separation (ICA06).
                  6.  Donoho,D. & Stodden,V (2004). When does non-negative matrix
                      factorization give a correct decomposition into parts? In Advances in
                      Neural Information Processing Systems 16, Cambridge, MA.
                  7.  Lee, D. & Seung, H. (1999). Learning the parts of objects by nonnegative
                      matrix factorization. Nature.
                  8.  Ma,Y. & Zhu, L. (2012). A semiparametric approach to dimension
                      reduction. Journal of the American Statistical Association.

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