Page 230 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 230

CPS2203 Thierry D. et al.
                  () =  /, with  = ∑   (2 |  | ) being the dimension of the model
                   and  is a constant parameter that needs to be calibrated. The penalized
                  density estimator is then defined as   . We show that the following oracle
                  type inequality holds under mild assumptions on the model.
                  Theorem 3.1. Suppose  that  there  exists 0 <∈< 2 −  such  that,  for  any  =
                  (B1,...,BK) and any s=∏    ∈  , for all  ∈ {1, … . , },  ≥∈  .
                      Then there exists  > 0 such that, if ̂ is defined as (3.1),
                     [ (,   )] ≤  ( [ inf { inf (,  ) + ()}] +  ),        (3.2)
                                         ∈ ̂ ∈                     
                  for some absolute positive constant C
                     The  proof  of  Theorem  3.1  relies  on  the  oracle  inequality  for  random
                  collections of models developed in Meynet and Maugis-Rabusseau (2012) and
                  bracketing entropy controls inspired by Bontemps and Toussile (2013).

                  3.3 Penalty calibration and slope heuristic
                      Note that our theorem ensures that there exists a κ large enough for which
                  the estimate has good properties, but does not give an explicit value for κ. In
                  practice, κ has to be chosen. We have used the slope heuristic, introduced by
                  Birgé and Massart (2007) and described for instance in Baudry, Maugis and
                  Michel (2012). It provides a practical method to find a good κ.
                      It is based on the idea that there exists a minimal value κmin such that
                       •  if κ ≤ κmin, the penalized estimator chooses some too complex models,
                       •  if κ > κmin, the penalized estimator chooses a model for which the
                   estimation error is controlled. In practice, a good choice is to use κ = 2κmin
                   so that the penalty used is
                                               () = 2   
                      It remains to nd this κmin. Two criterion exist. In the first one, called the
                  jump criterion, κmin is estimated as the smallest κ such that the dimension of
                  the model selected is much smaller than the dimension of the most complex
                  m. In the second one, called the slope criterion, we use the fact that if the
                  penalty  grows  faster  with  the  dimension  than  the  log  likelihood  then  the
                  model chosen will not have a large dimension. As our penalty is proportional
                  to the dimension, it suffices to estimate the slope of the log likelihood in the
                  saturated models with respect to the dimension to obtain a good estimate of

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