Page 226 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 226

CPS2201 Mikhail L.
                 15.  Eric PF Lafortune, Sing-Choong Foo, Kenneth E Torrance, and Donald P
                     Greenberg. Non-linear approximation of reectance functions. In
                     Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and
                     interactive techniques, pages 117{126. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley
                     Publishing Co., 1997.
                 16.  Anna Langovaya, Sonja Kuhnt, and Hamdi Chouikha. Correspondence
                     analysis in the case of outliers. In Classi_cation and Data Mining, pages
                     63{70. Springer, 2013.
                 17.  M. Langovoy. Statistical analysis of brdf data for computer graphics and
                     metrology. In IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies. Springer,
                 18.  M. Langovoy. Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis for BRDF Data
                     from Computer Graphics and Multidimensional Reectometry. IAENG
                     International Journal of Computer Science, 42(1): 23{30, 2015b.
                 19.  M. Langovoy, G. W•ubbeler, and C. Elster. Novel metric for analysis,
                     interpretation and visualization of BRDF data. Submitted, 2014.
                 20.  M. Langovoy, F. Schmaehling, and G. Wuebbeler. Numerical comparison
                     of sampling strategies for BRDF data manifolds. Measurement,
                     94:578{584, 2016.
                 21.  Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis. On the generalized distance in statistics.
                     Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences (Calcutta), 2:49{55, 1936.
                 22.  F. E. Nicodemus. Directional reectance and emissivity of an opaque
                     surface. Applied Optics, 4:767 { 775, jul 1965. doi: 10.1364/AO.4.000767.
                 23.  Bui Tuong Phong. Illumination for computer generated pictures. Commun.
                     ACM, 18(6):311{317, June 1975. ISSN 0001-0782. doi:
                     10.1145/360825.360839. URL
                 24.  Sergei Sobolev. On a theorem of functional analysis.
                 25.  Aditya Sole, Ivar Farup, Peter Nussbaum, and Shoji Tominaga.
                     Bidirectional reectance measurement and reaction model fitting of
                     complex materials using an image-based measurement setup. Journal of
                     Imaging, 4(11):136, 2018.

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