Page 225 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 225
CPS2201 Mikhail L.
1. Alekh Agarwal, Leon Bottou, Miroslav Dudik, and John Langford. Para-
active learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.8243, 2013.
2. Michael Ashikhmin and Peter Shirley. An anisotropic phong brdf model.
Journal of graphics tools, 5 (2):25{32, 2000.
3. Alina Beygelzimer, Sanjoy Dasgupta, and John Langford. Importance
weighted active learning. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International
Conference on Machine Learning, pages 49{56. ACM, 2009.
4. Adam Brady, Jason Lawrence, Pieter Peers, and Westley Weimer. genbrdf:
Discovering new analytic brdfs with genetic programming. ACM Trans.
Graph., 33(4):114:1{114:11, July 2014. ISSN 0730- 0301. doi:
10.1145/2601097.2601193. URL
5. Eric Brochu, Nando D Freitas, and Abhijeet Ghosh. Active preference
learning with discrete choice data. In Advances in neural information
processing systems, pages 409{416, 2008.
6. Robert L Cook and Kenneth E Torrance. A reectance model for computer
graphics. In ACM Siggraph Computer Graphics, volume 15, pages
307{316. ACM, 1981.
7. David Roxbee Cox and Nancy Reid. The theory of the design of
experiments. CRC Press, 2000.
8. Sanjoy Dasgupta and Daniel Hsu. Hierarchical sampling for active
learning. In Proceedings of the 25 international conference on Machine
learning, pages 208{215. ACM, 2008.
9. Katarina Z Doctor and Je_ M Byers. Optimal sampling of brdf's of varying
complexity. In IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 4123{4126. IEEE, 2018.
10. Pinar Donmez and Jaime G Carbonell. Proactive learning: cost-sensitive
active learning with multiple imperfect oracles. In Proceedings of the 17th
ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, pages
619{628. ACM, 2008.
11. Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Statistiker Genetiker, Ronald Aylmer Fisher,
Statistician Genetician, Ronald Aylmer Fisher, and Statisticien G_en_eticien.
The design of experiments, volume 12. Oliver and Boyd Edinburgh, 1960.
12. Xiao D He, Kenneth E Torrance, Fran_cois X Sillion, and Donald P
Greenberg. A comprehensive physical model for light reection. In ACM
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, volume 25, pages 175{186. ACM, 1991.
13. Andreas Hope and Kai-Olaf Hauer. Three-dimensional appearance
characterization of diffuse standard reection materials. Metrologia,
47(3):295, 2010. URL
14. Solomon Kullback and Richard A Leibler. On information and su_ciency.
The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, pages 79{86, 1951.
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