Page 252 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 252

CPS2218 Rusnani Hussin et al.
                      Economics, University of New South Wales, NSW 2052, Australia,
                      Tourism Management 25 (2004) 307–317.
                  4.  Chou, Chang-Erh and Huang, Yi-Chen, (2016).  "Accurately Estimate
                      Tourism Impacts: Tourism Satellite Account and Input-Output Analysis”
                      Travel and Tourism Research Association: Advancing Tourism Research
                      Globally. 36.
                  5.  Hunziker and Krapf, (1942). The science of systems for tourism
                      development, Annals of Tourism Research, 1988.
                  6.  Camelia SURUGIU, The Economic Impact of Tourism. An Input-Output
                      Analysis, (2009), PhD, Junior Researcher, National Institute for Research
                      and Development in Tourism
                  7.  Ronald E. Millerv and Peter D. Blair( 2009), Input-Output analysis
                      Fundamental  and extension, Second edition, Cambridge University
                      Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
                  8.  Department of Statistics Malaysia (2018). Malaysia Input-Output Table
                      2015: Findings. Department of Statistics Malaysia: Putrajaya.
                  9.  Eurostat (2008). European manuals of supply, use and input-output
                      tables: methodologies and working papers. Office for Official
                      Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
                  10.  Department of Statistics Malaysia (2018). Tourism Satellite Accounts
                      2017: Findings. Department of Statistics Malaysia: Putrajaya.

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