Page 30 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 30

CPS2107 Junfan Tao et al.
                      Using the above lemma, we obtain
                  Theorem 5. (Sequential Asymptotic Normality) Let x0 be an arbitrary L random
                  variable and independent of        with                         . As c → ∞,
                  in the sense of D[0,∞),

                                                                                   ,     (20)

                      The following corollary shows the asymptotic variance of τ1c is strictly greater
                  than that of τ2c.
                      Under the same assumption in Lemma 4. For the stopping time τ1c and τ2c de
                  ned in (5) and (10), as c ↑ ∞


                                                                                   .     (23)
                  Using the following proposition, one can obtain the long-run variance ν in (17).
                  Proposition 6. For a strongly stationary AR(1) process {xn} de ned in (1) with the
                  covariance function γ(m) and          is nite. Let                  ,
                  When µ4 = 3σ , then γx 2(m) = 2γ(m) , γx 2(m) = β γx 2(0) and the long-run variance
                  in (17)
                                                                      .                  (24)

                  4.   Discussion and Conclusion
                      Now, we provide a simulation study to examine our main results in Lemma
                  4 and Theorem 5. The simulation setting is
                  and the number of replication is 10,000.
                      Figure 1 presents the simulated results: Tc stands for τ1c and Tchat stands
                                                                                       ˆ  ˆ
                  for τ2c. The rst and second columns show the simulated histograms of β τ1c β τ2c
                  and  stopping  times  τ1c τ2c after  normalization,  and  the  blue  curves  are the
                  density of standard normal distribution. We  could  see  that  both  sequential
                  estimators  βˆ τ1c,   βˆ τ2c  and  stopping  times  τ1c,  τ2c  are  well  approximated  by
                  standard normal distribution. From the histograms in the third column, it’s
                  obvious that the variance of τ1c is larger than τ2c.

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