Page 368 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 368

CPS2292 Roger S. Zoh, PhD et al.
                             Instrumental Variable Approach to Estimating
                             the Scalar-on-Function Regression Model with
                            Measurement Error with Application to Energy
                             Expenditure Assessment in Childhood Obesity
                               Carmen D. Tekwe , Roger S. Zoh *, Lan Xue
                 1  Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
                         2  Department of Statistics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA

               Wearable  device  technology  allows  continuous  monitoring  of  biological
               markers  and  thereby  enables  study  of  time-dependent  relationships.  For
               example,  in  this  paper,  we  are  interested  in  the  impact  of  daily  energy
               expenditure over a period of time on subsequent progression toward obesity
               among children. Data from these devices appear as either sparsely or densely
               observed functional data and methods of functional regression are often used
               for their statistical analyses. We study the scalar-on function regression model
               with imprecisely measured values of the predictor function. In this setting, we
               have a scalar-valued response and a function-valued covariate that are both
               collected  at  a  single  time  period.  We  propose  a  generalized  method  of
               moments-based  approach  for  estimation  while  an  instrumental  variable
               belonging in the same time space as the imprecisely measured covariate is
               used  for  model  identification.  Additionally,  no  distributional  assumptions
               regarding  the  measurement  errors are assumed,  while  complex covariance
               structures are allowed for the measurement errors in the implementation of
               our proposed methods. We demonstrate that our proposed estimator is L2
               consistent  and  enjoys  the  optimal  rate  of  convergence  for  univariate
               nonparametric  functions.  In  a  simulation  study,  we  illustrate  that  ignoring
               measurement error leads to biased estimations of the functional coefficient.
               The simulation studies also confirm our ability to consistently estimate the
               function-valued  coefficient  when  compared  to  approaches  that  ignore
               potential  measurement  errors.  Our  proposed  methods  are  applied  to  our
               motivating  example  to  assess  the  impact  of  baseline  levels  of  energy
               expenditure on BMI among elementary school-aged children.

               Childhood obesity; Energy expenditure; Functional data; Measurement error;
               Instrumental variable

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