Page 364 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 364

CPS2282  Wan Azhar Wan Mokhtar et al.
               ILSM  for  training  operation  management.  Meanwhile  for  the  Hospitality
               Management, the sub module is used by the users to manage their hospitality
               needs during training in ILSM. Participant attendance is a sub module used
               by  the  ILSM  and  training  secretariat  to capture the  participant  attendance
               during training. The system also allows the users to upload and download
               materials required for training in the Training material sub module such as
               slide, brochure etc. In order for ILSM to monitor the participant achievement
               and future training improvement, sub module Training Evaluation has been
               formed to allow the participant to do online evaluation. Training log records
               is used to record all training attended by users throughout the services period.
               Trainers Information sub module is a platform to provide trainers profile for
               training  secretariat  reference.  Training  Allocation  Information  is  very
               important as it will provide information on annual operational training cost.
                   As for Database component, Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database
               management  system  developed  by Microsoft.  As  a  database  server,  it  is  a
               software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data as
               requested by other software applications. There are four (4) sub module under
               Output component i.e Reports, Competency dictionary, Offer Letter and
               e-Certificate. Reports refer to a document that presents information in an
               organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Although summaries of
               reports may be delivered orally, complete reports are almost always in the
               form of written documents. Competency dictionary is a tool or data structure
               that includes all or most of the general competencies needed to cover all job
               families  and  competencies  that  are  core  or  common  to  all  jobs  within  an
               organization.  They  may  also  include  competencies  that  are  more  closely
               related to theknowledge and skills needed for specific jobs or functions. The
               training Offer letter and e-Certificate can be downloaded from DTIMS by
                   Data  management  component  is  controlled  by  ILSM  which  covered
               training  operations  management.  The  sub  module  in  this  component
               comprise of Training Allocation Management, Hospitality Management,
               DOSM  Competency  Register,  Training  Management  and  Food  &
               Beverage Management.

               3.  Malaysia Statistical Ubiquitous Learning (MySUL):
                   The rapid changes in a used of ICT in learning process has widely applied
               across the globe including Malaysia. The highly demand on more flexible and
               easier to reach learning method has become priority. The blended learning
               (Figure 3) approach was come into consideration in a way to harmonize the
               human capital development needs.

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