Page 394 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 394

CPS2444 Avijit Joarder et al.
                  economic upswing instead of a stagnation or a downswing. In other words, if
                  we exclude the growth in GDP as a control variable the qualitative results of
                  the both models are not influence, and the probability of 0.0000 associated LR
                  statistics = 164.59 rejects the null hypothesis that coefficients of all variables
                  are simultaneously equal to zero.
                      We conclude that short-term debt to foreign banks compared to foreign
                  exchange reserve and long-term debt to foreign banks compared to  GDP,
                  could jointly serve as indicators for possible banking crisis at least years in
                  advance. These are not only the indicators to monitor but are worthwhile to
                  consider among other macro-economic and financial indicators.

                  4.   Discussion and Conclusion
                      Starting from aftermath of Indian BoP crisis (in early 1990s), we covered
                  two subsequent crises namely AFC and GFC to find out the impact of crises on
                  domestic  and  international  banking  business  of  banks.  The  comparison  of
                  most affected Asian countries in the region is useful to understand symptoms
                  before, during and after the crisis. In the detailed version of our paper, we
                  demonstrated through visual analysis (graphs) and regression analysis (probit)
                  that Thailand, Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia were severely affected by AFC,
                  whereas Philippines was slightly less affected.
                      On the other hand, there was virtually no effect of AFC on Indian economy.
                  In  case of GFC, six  countries  in the region  were not much  affected. The RBI
                  banking statistics together with the BIS statistics are very useful to monitor
                  banking system and to get signals of overall developments in domestic and
                  international  markets,  especially  the  inflow  and outflow  of  money  through
                  banking channels. The analysis shows that not only foreign investors including
                  international banks finds India as one of the safe destination for international
                  investments but also banks and non-banks in India gradually increased their
                  transactions with international banks in foreign countries. The signals from
                  these  statistics  could  thus  be  effectively  utilised  to  monitor  overall
                  developments in financial markets and take corrective actions to avoid stress
                  or crisis.
                      Further  analysis  could  be  considered  to  understand  the  signals  arising
                  from other macro-economic factors and also the change in lending behaviour
                  of major creditors (e.g. bank nationalities) to India and other countries in the
                  region. Similarly, it would be interesting to understand the influencing factors
                  leading to change in behaviour of banks and non-banks of a country in the
                  region with their counterparts in foreign countries.

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