Page 395 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 395

CPS2444 Avijit Joarder et al.
            1.  Avdjiev, Stefan, Bat-el Berger & Hyun Song Shin (2018): Gauging pro-
                 cyclicality and financial vulnerability in Asia through the BIS banking and
                 financial statistics, BIS WP No. 735, July 2018.
            2.  Cerutti, Eugenio, Catherine Koch and Swapan-Kumar Pradhan (2018):
                 The growing footprint of EME banks in the international banking system,
                 BIS Quarterly Review, December 2018, pp 27-37.
            3.  Jung Changoon and Clark Cal (2010): “The Impact of the Asian Financial
                 Crisis on Budget Politics  in  South Korea”, Asian Affairs, Vol.37, No.1
                 (Jan-Mar 2010), pp 27-45.Koch, Catherine and Eli M Remolona (2018):
                 “Common lenders in emerging Asia: their changing roles in three crises”,
                 BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018, pp17-28.
            4.  Mundra S S, (2016): “Financial stability in a weak global environment”,
                 7th SEACEN High Level Seminar, Mumbai.
            5.  Rashmi Banga and Abhijit Das (2012):“Twenty Years of India’s
                 Liberalization–Experiences & Lessons” –UN Conference on Trade &
                 Development(UNCTAD),Centre for WTO Studies, UN.
            6.  Subbarao, Duvvuri (2009): “Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on India
                 Collateral Damage and Response”, Speech delivered at the symposium
                 organised by the institute of International Monetary Affairs, Tokyo on
                 February 18, 2009.
            7.  Viswanathan, K. G (2010): “The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on
                 India”, Journal of International Business and Law, Volume 9, Issue 1,
                 Article 2.

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