Page 441 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 441

CPS2526 Holger Cevallos-Valdiviezo et al.
            mean prediction errors for outlying data and clean data separately ( and
            ). An FPCA method that is robust will give a high  value and a low

            Figure 1: Examples of functional data from Model 1 with  = 0.30 (left) and
            from Model 2 with  = 0.90 (right), Regular curves are shown in blue color
            while contaminated curves are shown in red color
                Table 1 shows that without contamination classical FPCA (LS) does a good
            job  while  the  robust  methods  perform  slightly  worse.  However,  for
            contaminated data classical PCA does not perform well. When the fraction of
            contamination becomes larger {Model 1,  = 0.30) the CooLTS, MVLYTS and
            MVS ( = 1.5) methods outperform the other procedures. For Model 2 with
             = 90%, we clearly see that the multivariate methods (MVS, MVLVS) break
            down because too many curves are contaminated. On the other hand. the
            coordinatewise  approaches  CooLTS  and  CooS  remain  robust,  because  the
            fraction  of  contamination  in  each  coordinate  still  remains  below  50%  (see
            Figure 1).

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