Page 445 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 445

CPS2564 Tiffany Rizkika et al.
            3.  Nowcasting
                We use the different nowcasting approaches based on the volatility of the
            food prices:
                a.  Volatile food price nowcasting
                    Historical data-based uses two methods, namely statistical modelling
                using Distributed Lag Model (DLM) and machine learning using Neural
                Network RPROP (NN RPROP), also using two types of periods daily and
                weekly.    Before  modelling,  pre-processing  techniques  are  applied  to
                prepared data.
                    The step of data pre-processing for historical data-based approaches
                is  data  cleaning,  data  transformation,  smoothing,  and  data  imputation.
                Data cleaning includes filtering to filter data according to time and place
                of study, removing incomplete record, extreme prices, and outliers. Data
                transformation includes standardizing the unit price and calculating daily
                and weekly price. Smoothing is used to minimize the fluctuation pattern,
                using  smoothing  spline.  Data  imputation  is  needed  to  complete  the
                unavailable data in a certain day, also to get daily price from weekly price
                using temporal disaggregation. After pre-processing, data is divided into
                training and testing data. Training data is used to making models, while
                testing data is used to calculate MAPE to get the best model.
                    Modelling using DLM involves data in the current and past time of the
                independent variable X. According to Baltagi (2011), DLM is a dynamic
                model that have a form as follows:


                where, Y_t is the t-th observation on the dependent variable X, and X_ (t-
                s) is an independent variable of observation. α is an intercept, and β_0, β_1,
                ... β_s are coefficients at the present time and at lag time, and u_t is a
                stationary error. The lag is the time required for X independent variables
                to influence non-independent variables Y (Supranto, 1995). One type of
                distributed lag model is the infinite lag model, where the length of the lag
                is  known  or  determined.  The  amount  of  lag  will  affect  the  number  of
                observations used as samples. The more number of lags, the lower the
                number of sample data.
                    Modelling using Neural Network solves the problem by learning from
                training examples (Michael,2015). The algorithm that applied is Resilient
                Backpropagation implements two stages of learning, namely the forward
                propagation stage to get the output error and the backward propagation
                stage to change the values of weights. Changing the weight and network
                bias in NN RPROP, according to the gradient behaviour in each training

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