Page 89 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 89

CPS2131 Philip L.H. Yu et al.
            patient  without  any  side  of  weakness  was  not  considered  in  model
            construction. Total Among 120 training subjects, 95 patients (79.16%) were
            recorded as side of weakness, and 3 patients suffer both sides of weakness.
            Thus,  total  588  slices  were  fed  into  model  training,  and  only  84  slices
            containing MCA sign ground truth.

                               Side of Weakness    w/o Side of
                    MCA                63                  0                63
                  w/o MCA              32                  25               57
                                       95                  25               110
                         Table 1. MCA vs Side of Weakness in Training Data

                Our model achieves dice similarity coefficient 0.686 on the testing data.
            The result is satisfied since the MCA sign is extremely small and quite hard to
            gain relative high DSC.

            5.  Discussion & Conclusion
                MCA dot signs are extreme small in size and quite low signal to noise ratio,
            the essential step in MCA segmentation task is the localization of specified
            regions of interest, which would largely ignore that irrelevant information.
                The DSC is not high enough mainly from two aspects. The first is due to its
            size is pretty small that even a subtle miss would cause large effect on the
            prediction. Total positive ground truth label is less than 0.1% of negative label.
            Another is the false positive predictions accounts for large inaccuracy that
            largely  due  to  proximity  of  bone  and  the  similarity  to  normal  age-related
            vascular calcification. However, our prediction has high sensitivity that able to
            right predict all MCA dot signs in our testing case.
                Further  post-processing  step  to  distinguish  MCA  dot  signs  and  false
            positive  predictions  will  largely  help  enhance  the  model’s  performance.
            Adequate data with more positive labelled ground truth will enable model to
            learn more and become more robust, as well.
                Overall, we present an automated method for identifying the hyperdense
            MCA dot sign on Noncontrast CT scans. The study can be further reinforced
            with additional data input.

                                                                78 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94