Page 86 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 86

CPS2131 Philip L.H. Yu et al.
                  (Smith et al., 2004; Woolrich et al., 2009). Besides imaging data, it also involves
                  the structural data such as patients’ side of limb weakness at A & E admission.
                      The CT images have similar quality, spatial resolution and field- of-view.
                  The in-plane resolution is 0.426*0.426 mm. The slice thickness is 5.0 mm for
                  all cases, and the number of slices is around 26 to 32. Each axial slice has
                  identical resolutions of 512*512.
                     The existence of hyperdense MCA dot signs can be directly visualized as
                  thromboembolic material within the lumen, which is largely course in a plane
                  perpendicular to the transverse plane of imaging (Fig. 2). Thus, the recognition
                  of the MCA dot signs can be localized within a specified area of the scans, and
                  extraction the specified regions of interest will largely help eliminate useless
                  information. We found all MCA dot signs are localized between the 4th and
                  10th slices after registration to a template. For both training and testing phase,
                  CT scans were pre-processed using the fully automatic pre-processing pipeline
                  through FSL and Nibabel library under python 3.5.

                                     Fig. 2. Regions of Interest for MCA Signs

                     As  shown  in  pre-processing  flow  chart  (Fig.  3),  the  first  step  is  brain
                  extraction to strip the skulls. In the second step, all CT scans are rotated and
                  translated through a rigid-body 2D registration procedure in order to make
                  sure all brains within images are horizontally symmetric. All the MCA dot signs
                  have H.U. index between 35 and 60; thus, a threshold of 20 to 80 is utilized in
                  order  to  eliminate  the  irrelevant  image  information  and  histogram
                  equalization is applied to increase the contrast. To better specify the region
                  where MCA dot sign, we localize a bounding box to subtract the region of
                  interest as Fig. 2. The coloured bounding box has size of 128*128; while two
                  colours  indicating  left  and  right  hemispheres.  The  location  of  MCA  within
                  different  hemispheres  would  cause  corresponding  side  of  weakness  for
                  patients. Given clinical information for different side of limb weakness, we can
                  better localize the infracted hemisphere, coloured in blue and yellow. After
                  extraction  of  potential  infarcted  hemisphere,  histogram  equalization  was
                  applied to ROI images to enhance the contrast of MCA dot signs.

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