Page 102 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 102

CPS1111 Jitendra Kumar et al.
                  symmetric  and  asymmetric  loss  function.  We  are  not  getting  closed  form
                  expressions of Bayes estimators under assumed loss function. Hence, Gibbs
                  sampling, an iterative procedure is used to get the approximate values of the
                  estimators using conditional posterior distribution and then, computed the
                  credible interval.

                  3.3 Significance Test for Merger Coefficient
                  This section provides testing procedure to test the impact of merger series in
                  model and targeting to analysis the impact on model as associate series may
                  be influencing the model negatively or positively. Therefore, null hypothesis is
                  assumed  that  merger  coefficients  are  equal  to  zero  H0:  δ=0  against  the
                  alternative hypothesis that merger has a significant impact to the observed
                  series H1: δ≠0. The models under hypothesis is

                  Under H0: Y   l   X                                                   (12)
                  Under H1:  Y   l   X   Z                                            (13)
                  There  are  several  Bayesian  methods  to  handle  the  problem  of  testing  the
                  hypothesis. The commonly used testing strategy is Bayes factor, full Bayesian
                  significance test and test based on credible interval. Bayes factor is the ratio
                  of posterior probability under null versus alternative hypothesis.
                                                T   c
                          P y |  H        S   2
                  BF            1    A  2     0                                          (14)
                          P y | H  0   3    S 1  
                   A 1   l l '  2 1   
                        I
                   A   X  ' X   I   p 1   p 2    X  ' lA 1  1 l ' X
                   A  Z  ' Z   I R  1    Z  ' lA 1  1 l  ' Z   Z  ' X   Z  ' lA 1  1 l  ' X  A 2  1 Z  ' X   Z  ' lA 1  1 l  ' X 
                  B    Y  ' X  ' I   1    l   ' I   1  A  1 l ' X
                    21             p 1   p 2      2   1
                  B   Y  ' Z  ' I  R  1    lY   ' I 2  1  A 1  1 l ' Z   B 21 A 2  1 Z  ' X   Z  ' lA 1  1 l ' X 
                  S   Y  ' Y   ' I   1 1 p   p 2    ' I   2b    l   ' I 2  1  A 1  1  l   ' I 2  1   B 21 A 2  1 B
                              1 
                  S  S   ' I   B 3 ' A 3 1   B

                  Using the Bayes factor, we easily have taken decision regarding the acceptance
                  or rejection of hypothesis. For large value of BF10, we lead to rejection of null
                  hypothesis. With the help of BF10, posterior probability of proposed model is
                  also obtained. In recent time, a full Bayesian significance test (FBST) is mostly
                  used for testing the significance of a hypothesis or model. This test determines
                  in  respect  to  null  hypothesis  and  concluded  that  small  value  of  evidence
                  measure support the alternative hypothesis. The evidence measure of FBST
                  test is described by Ev =1-  where =P (:(|Y) > (0|Y)). Another procedure
                                                                      91 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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