Page 129 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 129

CPS1144 Adeniji Nike Abosede et al.
            2.  Methodology
                A forecast error variance analysis was carried out to study the proportion
            explained by the impact of foreign exchange rate volatility on Nigeria export
            growth,  which  is  carried  out  by  forecast  error  variance  decomposition
            technique. In other not to have a spurious regression which may arise as a
            result of carrying regression on time series data, we first subject each variable
            (exchange rate (naira/us dollar), and export which is segregated into non- oil
            and  oil  export)  to  Argumented  Dickey  Fuller  (ADF)  test  (1979)  under  the
            assumption  of  constant  and  no  constant  and  in  the  presence  of  serial
            correlation. The model for ADF test is as follows:

                Where Zt = the first difference of series interested, 0 = constant term
            parameter,   = drift  term,  Bi  =coefficient  associated  to  each  of  the  first
            difference of lagged series, and 1t, 2t, are the residual errors. The equation
            (1) and (2) above is described as ADF test around a constant term and with no
            constant term respectively. The null hypothesis for equation (1) is stated as:
                H0: =0 (unit root around a constant term)
                H1: <0 (presence of no unit root i.e stationary)
                The null hypothesis for equation (2) is stated as:
                H0: =0 (unit root around a constant term)
                H1: <0 (presence of no unit root i.e stationary around no constant term)
                Each of the above null hypotheses is not rejected when the absolute value
            of ADF test statistics is less than the MacKinnon critical value; hence otherwise
            we reject and conclude that the series interested is stationary. If found that
            each of the series were not stationary, a proper logarithm transformation or
            difference method for each of the series will be stationary and by subjecting
            or making use of the above ADF test (1979) on the transformation method
            used. The next procedure is to fit a dynamic model but this dynamic model is
            based  on  stationary  variables.  The  dynamic  model  encompasses  in  this
            research study is unrestricted vector auto regression model. This model was
            first  introduced  by  Sims  (1980)  where  he  treated  all  the  variables  as  pure
            endogenous variables, and expressed as a linear combination of their lagged
            values. Sims (1980) obtained a VAR (p) model from the primitive system called
            SVAR  model  (structural  vector  auto  regression)  through  the  use  of
            normalization technique which is been incorporated in this research studies.
            We consider a two variable (naira/dollar exchange rate) and export (non- oil,
            total, oil exports) at both aggregate and disaggregate level of export.

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