Page 27 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 27

CPS657 Folorunso Serifat A. et al.
               trial. These models estimate the cured proportion and also the probability of
               Mixture cure model: This one can evaluate the percentage of
               patients cured and the survival function of the uncured patients
               Boag (1949) & Berkson and Gage (1952)].
               Non-Mixture Cure Model:  This can also be called the Bounded Cumulative
               Hazard Model (BCH), [Yakovlev et al (1993)].
               The following highlighted points are the essential importance of statistical
                   •  Patient  survival  is  one  of  the  most  important  questions  in  cancer
                   •  Cure models give more information about patient survival.
                   •  Cure models predict the proportion of patients cured from cancer.
                   •  They predicts time until cured.
                   •  Estimate survival time of patients not cured.
               Seppa (2009) applied a mixture cure fraction model with random effects
               to cause-specifc survival data of female breast cancer patients collected by the
               population-based Finnish Cancer Registry. Two sets of random effects were
               used to capture the regional variation in the cure fraction and in the survival
               of the non-cured patients, respectively. The random effects allowed the fitting
               of the cure fraction model to the sparse regional data and the estimation of
               the regional variation in 10-year cause-specific breast cancer survival with a
               parsimonious number of parameters which led to the capital of Finland to
               clearly stood out from the rest, but since then all the 21 hospital districts have
               achieved approximately the same level of survival.
                  Verdecchia (1998) also asserted that traditional parametric survival
               models that assume that all patients are susceptible to eventually die from the
               disease itself  are often inadequate in describing the survival experience of
               cancer patients. It is conceivable that many patients are in fact cured in the
               sense that their lifetime is not shortened by the cancer but their mortality rates
               remain the same as if they had avoided the cancer. At an individual level it is
               practically impossible to determine for sure whether a patient is cured or not.
               However, for many cancers it appears to be possible in principle to identify the
               cure  fraction,  i.e.  the  proportion  of  patients,  whose  mortality  will  not  be
               elevated  as  compared  with  the  mortality  rates  in  a  similar  cancer-free
               population. Francisci (2008) concluded that Cure fraction models have become
               increasingly popular in population based studies on cancer survival performed
               for  individual  countries,  but  also  in  international  comparisons,  and  their
               usefulness is motivated. The proportion cured and the mean survival time for
               the  non-cured  patients  can  be  useful  summary  parameters  for  detailed
               assessment of the differences in survival.

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