Page 55 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 55

CPS861 Madeline Dumaua C.
               4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                  This study is limited only in using total number of households as an auxiliary
               variable  in  synthetic  estimation,  it  is  highly  recommended  to  use  other
               possible variables that might be related to the variable of interest to verify the
               results of this study. The choice of auxiliary variable greatly affects the resulting
               estimates of synthetic estimation. Also, the use of other small area estimation
               procedures  such  as  composite  estimation,  empirical  Bayes  estimation  and
               hierarchical estimation is recommended in order to arrive at a more reliable
               estimate for the total number of farm equipment and facilities in the province
               under  study.  One  of  these  procedures  could  provide  unbiased  and  more
               precise estimates of the selected parameters on ownership of farm equipment
               and facilities for the 2002 Census of Agriculture. However, it should be noted
               that none particular  procedure of  estimation will be inevitably consistently
               superior for all small areas. Furthermore, any choice of estimator will most
               likely result into a loss of precision for some areas as well as gains for others.

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