Page 86 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 86

CPS1060 Taik Guan T. et al.
                     The  result  is  in  line  with  the  behavior  of  machine  learning  where  large
                  training samples will improve machine’s performance. With the framework of
                  the machine learning technique being established and proven, the trained and
                  tested SVM is then successfully applied to classify real-life field data in the
                  context of geographic areas in Malaysia.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      SVM does not memorize the data given. Instead, it learns the pattern from
                  the training datasets and classifies the response for the testing datasets. The
                  two obvious evidence of machine learning are:
                  - Consistency and accuracy of the cross-validation and testing with WB
                    and GA data
                  - Consistency and accuracy of the testing results with real-life data for
                    states in Malaysia.
                      Both  learning  algorithm  and  hypothesis  sets  are  the  solution  tools  (or
                  components) in the machine learning process. And the solution tools worked
                  successfully  in  this  research.  Together,  the  learning  algorithm  and  the
                  hypothesis sets are named as the learning model. The research results showed
                  that  a  learning  model  had  been  successfully  established.  The  SVM  is  the
                  hypothesis H, whereas the kernels (linear, polynomial and RBF) are the sub-
                  sets {h} of the hypothesis which is used for pattern recognition. The quadratic
                  programming is the learning algorithm used in the research.

                         o   ℎ  denotes  the  hyperplane  that  generalizes  the  data  of
                             geographical features in the feature space
                         o  X  denotes  data  that  are  transformed  from  input  space  into
                             features space with higher dimensions.
                         o  x1,x2,,,xN are the specific data points of X
                         o   {+1,−1}  is  the  binary  class,  where  +1  denotes  areas  having
                             socioeconomic  potential;  and  -1  denotes  areas  without
                             socioeconomic potential.
                      Through the experiment, it is found that larger training samples deliver
                  higher training accuracy. This result is in line with the machine learning theory
                  of “when N is small, the delta in error is high.” It is also observed that, in line
                  with another machine learning. “when N is big, both sample-in and sample-
                  out will have about the same error.” The sample-in are data used for machine
                  training whereas sample-out are unseen data for machine testing. It the case
                  of  this  paper,  it  is  true  to  say  the  SVM  is  doing  well  within  the  data  sets
                  provided, and the framework of machine learning technique works. Of the 19

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