Page 149 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 149

CPS2049 Mohammed Al Rifai et al.
                       Databases that can be integrated with sample surveys, and used in
                        the imputation of missing values for sample surveys.
                       Construct new sampling frames or update the available frames, for
                        the design and selection survey samples.
                       Regular time series for the proposed statistical variables.

               3.  Result
                   The implementation of the concept of quality is not limited to censuses
               and sample surveys, but also is a comprehensive concept with standards and
               conditions  that  apply  to  all  official  statistical  databases,  including
               administrative data. In fact, the process of achieving quality in administrative
               data may be more complicated and difficult than for sample surveys, because
               administrative  databases  are  not  usually  constructed  for  the  purpose  of
               providing statistical indicators, but only to serve the administrative objective
               of the data‐producing institutions.
                   Harmonization of administrative data between official statistics agencies’
               requirements  and  the  requirements  of  the  producing  institutions  is  a  big
               challenge. This challenge varies for different countries. Many countries have
               been working on harmonizing their administrative databases with their official
               statistics  outputs  for  some  time  and  have  successful  models,  while  other
               countries  are  still  working  through  the  challenges  of  conceptual
               harmonization, to develop and improve their administrative databases. The
               following are common challenges face the administrative data:
                     Relevance: Relevance is the degree to which administrative data meet
                     the  official  statistics  needs.  A  comprehensive  evaluation  could  be
                     implemented to see whether all statistics that are needed are produced
                     and the extent to which concepts (definitions, classifications etc.) reflect
                     user needs. It is important to note that, while the administrative data will
                     be relevant for the users of the data‐producing entity, the data may not
                     be relevant for official statistics indicators.
                     Inclusion and Coverage: In some situations, administrative data bases
                     may  exclude  variables  that  fall  within  the  requirements  of  official
                     statistics.  Data‐producing  institutions  are  focused  on  collecting  and
                     producing data that serves their own purposes. This is one of the biggest
                     challenges  for  official  statistical  agencies’  use  of  administrative  data.
                     Coverage of statistical units can also be an obstacle. Statistical agencies
                     require extensive coverage of the populations being measured in order
                     to  output  statistical  indicators  for  small  geographic  areas  and
                     administrative regions.
                     Accuracy: The accuracy of data is one of the key data quality dimensions.
                     It is well known that the accuracy of the statistical indicator is inversely
                     proportional  to  the  amount  of  statistical  error  in  its  estimated  value,

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