Page 18 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 18

CPS2014 Ma. S.B.P. et al.
                  while  VAR(1)  produces  high  MAPE  for  time  series  of  shorter  length.  The
                  procedure  remains  robust  even  for  shorter  t.  The  estimated  MAPE  by  the
                  procedure is recorded to be at most 15 % which is observed at  = 30.
                      Lower APB is observed in the estimates when  <  for  = 20 while range
                  of APB remains the same for  = 30,50 when  <  or  > . It is also observed
                  that the APB of autocorrelation coefficient components of small values (11 =
                  0.10 , 12 = 0.15,22 = 0.20) are relatively larger than with the APB of larger
                  coefficient (21=0.95).  The MAPE is robust with the choice of p and m over the
                  different series length.
                      Infusing  the  misspecification  error  leads  to  minimal  changes  in  the
                  expected MAPE. The expected MAPE is also relatively higher for t=30. The
                  estimated MAPE of the proposed procedure is robust and remains superior
                  over  VAR(1)  in  the  presence  of  misspecification  error.  The  procedure
                  consistently produces low MAPE across the specified values of t while VAR(1)
                  has the highest MAPE when  = 20. The APB of the estimates produced by the
                  proposed procedure are also robust in the presence of misspecification error
                  except when  <  for  = 50 wherein changes in APB are relatively higher.
                  Moreover, the standard error of the estimates are lower for  = 20 compared
                  to the standard error of the estimates produced by VAR(1).
                      Generally, simulation results show that the postulated model is fairly robust
                  to misspecification error. Furthermore, the predictive ability of the estimated
                  model is better compared to VAR(1) over different lengths of time series.
                      The proposed estimation procedure is applied in a series of short annual
                  data set from 1995 to 2015. The goal of the analysis is to determine how the
                  contemporaneous effects of the total number of graduates from the University
                  of the Philippines (UP) system (excluding UP Manila), the budget allocated for
                  the UP system, and the board exam passing rate of UP for various Professional
                  Regulation  Commission  (PRC)  licensure  examinations  simultaneously  affect
                  the  Real  Gross  Domestic  Product  (GDP)  and  Gross  Value  Added  (GVA)  in
                  Agriculture, Hunting, Fishing, and Forestry from 1995 to 2015.
                     The contemporaneous effects of the input series are accounted by taking
                  up to the fourth lagged values of the input series. The first sparse principal
                  component is considered in the analysis as it explains 83.32% of the variability
                  of the input series as shown in Table 1.
                     The estimated output autocorrelation measures the relationship between
                  the bivariate components 1,(( )) and 2,(log( )) with their past
                  values and with the past value of the other output component (1,  2,−1 
                  2,  1,−1). The derived components of the estimate   as shown in Table 2
                  explains the following relationship given the contemporaneous effects of the
                  input series up to the fourth lag: a 36.49 % increase in the growth rate of real
                  GDP at  results from a proportionate increase in GDP growth rate at  − 1; a
                  36.29 % increase in GDP growth rate at  results from a proportionate increase

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