Page 19 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 19

CPS2014 Ma. S.B.P. et al.
            in GVA growth rate at  − 1; a 35.04 % increase in GVA growth rate at  results
            from a proportionate increase in GDP growth rate at   − 1; and a 35.14 %
            increase in GVA growth rate at  results from a proportionate increase in GVA
            growth rate at  − 1. (1) produced negative estimates that contradict the
            expected relationship between the output series.
                The  proposed  estimation  procedure’s  predictive  performance  is  also
            superior than (1 ) as shown in Table 3. The proposed procedure has the
            advantage of including the contemporaneous effects of the input series.

            Table 1. The proportion of variance explained by the first K sparse principal components (SPCs)
            of the reduced covariate matrix with  =10 and =4.

               10   83.32 %, 87.20 %, 89.52 %, 90.34 %, 91.64 %, 93.64 %, 94.72 %, 95.74 %, 95.89 %, 96.52 %

            Table 2. Estimates of the output autocorrelation coefficient with their corresponding standard
            errors by the proposed procedure.

                 Procedure     11   s.e.    12   s.e.    21   s.e.    22   s.e.
                 Proposed   0.3649   0.4586   0.3629   0.4595   0.3504   0.4513   0.3514   0.4519
                 VAR(1)    -0.0292   0.0292   -0.0330   0.0313   -0.0291   0.0462   -0.0365   0.0451

            Table 3   . Estimated MAPE of the proposed procedure and VAR(1)
                         Estimated MAPE (Proposed procedure)    Estimated MAPE (VAR 1)
                         MAPE 1            MAPE 2           MAPE 1      MAPE 2
                         4.13 %            4.21 %           62.19 %     81.35 %

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                An estimation procedure is developed for the postulated model of
            short  bivariate  time  series  with  high  dimensional  inputs.  The  additive
            bivariate model is postulated for a pair of correlated series explained by
            its immediate past and by the contemporaneous effects of some input
            series.  This  is  to  characterize  short  series  that  are  simultaneously
            influenced  by  the contemporaneous  effects  of  some  input  series  over
                Simulation scenarios affirm that the proposed estimation procedure
            produces more accurate predictions and better estimates than VAR(1).
            The  proposed  estimation  procedure  has  relatively  better  predictive
            performance than VAR(1) as reflected in the MAPE (less than 15%) given
            the varying length of series, number of input series, and lags of input
            series. Simulation results also show that the predictive performance of the
            proposed procedure is robust to misspecification error (when variance is
            three or six times larger). Minimal changes (between 1 % to 7 %) in the
            estimates as reflected in the absolute percentage bias is observed across
            the scenarios as the misspecification error is induced in the series.

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