Page 27 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 27

CPS2020 Honeylet T. S.
            generating the means of Z are: (a)   = 0.15 and   = 0.05 or (b)   =   =
                After  generating  a  complete  dataset  which  will  be  the  benchmark  for
            comparisons, the next steps will be done to the same complete dataset to
            simulate scenarios. For simulation summary, please refer to Table 1.
              1)  One of the X variables will be discarded. Either X1 or X2 will be used as
                  common variable.
              2)  Random missing values will be assigned to variable Z. The percentage of
                  missing values will be part of scenario cases. These are 10%, 30%, 50%,
                  70%, and 90%.
              3)  The dataset will be separated into Data Source A and Data Source B.
                  Observation units with Z missing will comprise Data Source A, while the
                  rest of the observation units will comprise Data Source B. Hence, if the
                  percentage of missing values in variable Z is 10%, then Data Source A
                  with  with  A  number  of  observations  will  comprise  10%  of  the  total
                  sample size  while Data Source B with B observations will comprise
                  90% of the total sample size .
                Subsequently, matching procedures will then be applied to Data Source A
            with  missing  Z  values  and  Data  Source  B  with  missing  Y  values.  Then,
            estimation procedures will be used to estimate the coefficients of model (2.1).
            Each simulation scenario will have 100 replicates.

                                      Table 1. Simulation Summary
          Settings                                Scenarios
          Sample Size                             200, 500, 1000
          Correlation of X 1 and X 2              High Correlation, Low Correlation
          Effect of X 1 and X 2 on Y              X 1 dominates, X 1 and X 2 equal effect
          Effect of X 1 and X 2 on Z              X 1 dominates, X 1 and X 2 equal effect
          Percentage of Source A: Percentage of Source B  10:90, 30:70, 50:50, 70:30, 90:10
          to total sample size
          Common variable used                    X 1 only or X 2 only
          Log Mean of Y and Z                     Linear function of X, Nonlinear function of X

            3.  Result
                RBIAS  measures  the  accuracy  of  the  estimates  obtained  while  MAE
            measures the predictive ability of the estimated model.

            1.  When Log Mean of Y and Z are linear functions of X1 and X2
            Sample size
                When the common variable used is X1, Poisson regression imputation and
            MCMC  imputation  produce  comparable  RBIAS.  As  sample  size  increases,

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