Page 30 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 30

CPS2020 Honeylet T. S.
                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Simulation  results  presented  above  summarized  the  effects  of  various
                  likely settings in statistical matching with the objective of estimating a count
                  regression  model.  Bootstrap-based  approaches  for  estimation  of  synthetic
                  data created from various imputation methods are in general at par with or
                  better than the benchmark regression approach. It might be of interest for
                  future studies to include a  donation class to  improve the estimates of the
                  model when synthetic datasets are created using random hot deck imputation.
                      Simulations  show  that  MCMC  imputation  and  Poisson  regression
                  imputation  produce  comparable  results  when  it  comes  to  accuracy  of
                  estimates.  Particularly,  MCMC  imputation  yields  lowest  RBIAS.  In  terms  of
                  predictive  ability  of  estimated  models,  Poisson  regression  imputation  and
                  MCMC  imputation  still  produce  comparable  results  although  Poisson
                  regression imputation has most of the lowest MAE values. Under random hot
                  deck  imputation,  RBIAS  and  MAE  values  are  larger  compared  to  those
                  produced by the other two matching methods.
                      Moreover, under Poisson regression imputation and MCMC imputation,
                  the three estimation procedures yield similar results. Accuracy of estimates
                  and predictive ability are comparable. In terms of predictive ability, the three
                  estimation procedures also yield similar results when using Poisson regression
                  imputation and MCMC imputation although bootstrap within and bootstrap
                  across produce lower MAE values compared to Poisson regression without
                       The predictive ability of the models estimated using bootstrap within is
                  good for all sample sizes and ratios of data sources (to total sample) in the
                  scenario  settings.  Moreover,  regardless  of  the  matching  method  used,
                  bootstrap within produces low RBIAS and MAE values. For instance, if random
                  hot deck is really necessary as the matching method because of the nature of
                  the data and no donation classes were specified, bootstrap within can yield
                  lower  RBIAS  and  MAE  values  compared  to  Poisson  regression  without
                  bootstrapping and bootstrap across method. It is interesting for further study
                  to incorporate donation classes in random hot deck imputation and evaluate
                  the  performance  of  bootstrap  within  and  bootstrap  across  estimation

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