Page 38 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 38

CPS2021 Noor Ismawati et al.

 Table 1: The regression output of paid female employees in the public and private sector by year.
 Variable   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016       2017

 Public Sector
 Constant   5.665(51.5)***   5.599(52.8)***   5.816(46.8)***   6.337(45.2)***   5.994(46.1)***   6.36(47.6)***   6.082(39.4)***   5.93(57.8)***
 Age   0.00(-7.6)***   -0.001(-10.2)***    0.062(14)***    0.051(11.8)***    0.062(14.7)***    0.059(14)***    0.059(13.6)***   0.068(20.4)***
 Age     0.054(12.7)***    0.062(15.6)***   -0.001(-9.2)***    0.00(-7.5)***    -0.001(-9.7)***    0.00(-8.9)***    0.00(-8.6)***   -0.001(-14)***
 Chinese    0.033(1.7)*    0.005(0.3)    0.04(1.9)*    0.104(3.2)***    0.029(1.5)    0.046(2.5)**    0.045(2.3)**    0.076(5.3)***
 Indian    -0.034(-1.3)    -0.015(-0.6)    -0.005(-0.2)    0.063(2.1)**    0.033(1.1)    0.01(0.4)    -0.036(-1.2)    0.018(1)
 Others    0.024(0.3)    0.039(0.3)    -0.035(-0.3)    -0.276(-2.7)***    -0.024(-0.2)    -0.055(-0.6)    0.034(0.4)    0.009(0.2)
 Never married    -0.038(-3)***    -0.039(-3.4)***   -0.035(-2.7)***    -0.127(-8)***    -0.056(-4.2)***    -0.036(-2.9)***    0.003(0.3)    -0.011(-1.1)
 Widowed/Separated/Divorced    -0.057(-2.7)***    -0.068(-3.3)***   -0.073(-3.3)***    -0.026(-0.7)    -0.017(-0.8)    -0.009(-0.4)    -0.029(-1.4)   -0.039(-2.6)***
 Secondary    0.664(13.9)***    0.594(12.4)***    0.48(8.3)***    0.247(8.5)***    0.254(9.6)***    0.203(6.8)***    0.293(3.9)***    0.33(6.3)***
 Tertiary    0.885(18)***    0.814(16.6)***    0.758(12.8)***    0.414(13.5)***    0.456(15)***    0.418(12.5)***    0.475(6.2)***   0.534(10.1)***
 The R Square    0.56    0.56    0.53    0.53    0.59    0.56    0.54    0.51
  Sample size    6218    6417     6367    6356     5733    5788     5314    10239

 Private Sector
  Constant    5.653(109.9)***   5.741(117.2)***    5.863(122)***  6.108(121.3)***   6.112(128.9)***  6.238(132.6)***    6.166(125.5)***    6.771(173)***
 Age    -0.001(-14.6)***    0.00(-13.9)***    0.042(16.5)***    0.034(13.1)***    0.038(15.8)***    0.034(14.4)***    0.035(14.4)***   0.029(15.9)***
 Age     0.049(18)***    0.044(16.9)***    0.00(-13.7)***    0.00(-11)***    0.00(-13.6)***    0.00(-11.8)***    0.00(-11.5)***    0.00(-11.4)***
 Chinese    0.191(18.5)***    0.205(21.4)***    0.182(18.8)***    0.211(20.8)***    0.197(20.7)***    0.192(20.5)***    0.206(21.1)***   0.128(18.3)***
 Indian    -0.031(-2.2)**    -0.045(-3.3)***    0.018(1.3)    -0.004(-0.3)    -0.004(-0.3)    0.014(1.1)    -0.015(-1.1)    -0.024(-2.5)**
 Others    0.013(0.3)    0.038(0.8)    0.095(2.1)**    -0.005(-0.1)    0.092(2)**    0.047(1.1)    0.047(1.1)    0.024(1)
 Never married    -0.01(-1)    -0.035(-3.7)***    0.206(21.1)***    -0.039(-3.9)***    -0.032(-3.5)***    -0.032(-3.5)***    -0.028(-3)***   -0.019(-2.7)***
 Widowed/Separated/Divorced    -0.12(-7.9)***    -0.063(-4.2)***   -0.049(-3.6)***    -0.042(-3)***    -0.014(-1)    -0.052(-3.9)***    -0.043(-3.2)***   -0.035(-3.5)***
 Secondary    0.225(15.4)***    0.268(19.2)***    0.207(15.2)***    0.2(14.4)***    0.203(15.1)***    0.195(13.9)***    0.175(12.2)***   0.174(15.6)***
 Tertiary    0.435(23)***    0.505(28.2)***    0.443(24.8)***    0.406(22.6)***    0.414(24)***    0.419(23.9)***    0.377(21.1)***   0.384(28.6)***
 The R Square    0.61    0.61    0.62    0.6    0.61    0.6    0.6    0.51
 Sample size    13308    14426    14227    13255    14564    14086    13185    24329
 Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia, Salaries and Wages Survey 2010-2017.
 Note: Coefficient (t-statistics)
           Other variables used but not shown, comprise of area and state of residency, occupation, and industry.
 Significant at *10%, **5% and ***1%.
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