Page 34 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 34

CPS2021 Noor Ismawati et al.
                      The  analysis  was  done  with  earning  as  the  only  continuous  numerical
                  variable with age, ethnicity, education attainment and marital status as the
                  socio-demographic variables. The analysis also includes social-economic and
                  geographical  variables  namely  occupation,  industry,  state  and  area  of
                  residency as additional to the analysis.
                      Earning is represented by total monthly salaries & wages received which
                  includes basic salaries or wages before deduction of income tax and Employee
                  Provident  Fund  contribution,  allowances,  commissions,  overtime  and  other
                  payment  in  kind  from  primary  occupation.  Bonus  is  not  included  in  this
                  monthly measurement. For educational attainment, no formal education refers
                  to those who had never attended school in any of the education institution.
                  Primary  refers  to  those  who  went  to  school  between  age  6  and  12  years,
                  secondary for those who had been to education institution until age 17 and
                  tertiary for those who obtained certificate higher than Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia
                  (SPM).  SPM  certificate  is  awarded  to  those  who  passed  the  national
                  examination (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2016), normally taken in the
                  final year of secondary level. The field of study is only applicable to those who
                  are  with  tertiary  education.  Occupation  is  categorised  into  nine  categories
                  following Malaysia Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (MASCO-08).
                  Industry is coded in 20 categories based on the Malaysia Standard Industrial
                  Classification  (MSIC).  The  geographical  characteristic  is  represented  by  the
                  state and area of residency. Following the administrative boundaries of the
                  country, state refers to respondent's usual place of stay during the survey. Out
                  of 16 states, there are three federal territories. Area of residencies refers to the
                  urban-rural classification of the survey respondent's living quarters (LQ).
                      The modified Mincer-Typed earning regression is utilised to determine the
                  impact of socio-demographic variables in estimating earning for each year
                  separately for both sector by gender. The regression equation applied is as

                  ln  = 0 + 1 + 2 +3 + 4 + 5 +
                        +6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 
                                   =   The logarithm of monthly earning;
                                    =   Estimated coefficients;
                                 =  Age on last birthday;

                                   =  Age square;
                             =   A series of dichotomous variables indicating the
                                        respondent is Bumiputera, Chinese, Indian, or other
                                        ethnic group;

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